Primal Blueprint Fitness - Crossfit Praha

(Tuis.) #1

How does PBF compare to Body by Science/
Super slow stuff?

I’m a big fan of Doug McGuff’s work. It gets cited
frequently as a sort of refutation of the Primal,
evolutionary-based fitness models, but I don’t see
it that way. What I see is two different protocols re-
lying on very similar physical truths: lift hard and lift
intensely just enough to get strong and fit. That’s it.
Body by Science tends to recommend slower lifts
to failure using complex weight machines; I prefer
more powerful movements, sometimes to fail-
ure, using bodyweight. The tie that binds the two,
though, is intensity of effort and a de-emphasis
on volume. BBS recommends once a week, while
PBF recommends twice a week of Heavy Lifting.
Efficiency of effort is the name of the game.

Where BBS and PBF diverge, I think, is on the defi-
nition of strength itself. What is strength? Is it mus-
cular hypertrophy? BBS is based on maximizing

structural adaptation of the musculature in the
shortest, safest way possible. I’m about maximiz-
ing function—and not just of the muscles, but of the
body as a whole. Training on expensive machines
will get you strong; there’s no question. But I be-
lieve that you can develop agility, speed, and coor-
dination better with real-life movements in the PBF
program—and have more fun while you’re at it!

Frequently Asked Questions and Concerns cont’d 91

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