Biology and Marine Biology Graduate Student Annual Report
2010 -2011 Academic Year
Presentations at scientific meetings:
Laura Bagge
Bagge, L. E., Koopman, H. N., Pokorny, A., McLellan, W. A., and Pabst, D. A. Depth-specific fatty acid
composition and temperature dependent thermal properties of the blubber of short-finned pilot
whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus). Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, January,
Bagge, L. E., Pokorny, A., Koopman, H. N., McLellan, W. A., and Pabst, D. A.
Phase change properties of the blubber lipids of two species of odontocete cetaceans,
Globicephala macrorhynchus and Kogia breviceps. Southeast and Mid-Atlantic Marine Mammal
Symposium, April, 2011.
Julie Campbell
Campbell, J. and Wilbur, A. Seasonality and transmission of parasites infecting Ostrea equestris in
Masonboro Sound, NC. National Shellfisheries Association, March, 2011.
Justin Eichinger
Eichinger, J. and Satterlie, R. Neuromuscular Characteristics of Cubomedusan Swim Muscle. Society for
Integrative and Comparative Biology, January, 2011.
Nina Griffin
Griffin, N.E. and M.J. Durako. Determining the minimum salinity tolerance of Halophila johnsonii.
Southeast Phycological Colloquy, October 2010.
Leigh Anne Harden
Harden, L.A., Williard, A.S. Seasonal changes in thermal environment and metabolic enzyme activity in
the diamondback terrapin. Diamondback Terrapin Working Group Workshop, November, 2010.
Harden, L.A., Williard, A.S. Using a spatially-explicit predator prey model to investigate bycatch risk of
terrapins in crab pots. International Sea Turtle Symposium, April, 2011.
Anne-Marie Hodge
Hodge, A. M. C., Vanderhoff, E. N., Burger, J. R., Arbogast, B. S., and Knowles, T. W. Use of remote
camera surveys to determine abundance and temporal activity patterns of the margay
(Leopardus weidii) in the eastern Andes. American Society of Mammalogists, June 2010.