Biology and Marine Biology

(Axel Boer) #1


Biology and Marine Biology Graduate Student Annual Report

2012 -2013 Academic Year

Presentations at scientific meetings:

Sue Barco

Barco, S., Lockhart, G. and Swingle, W. Using RADAR & AIS to Investigate Ship Behavior in the
Chesapeake Bay Ocean Approach off of Virginia, USA. Oceans ’12 Marine Technology Society
Conference, October 2012.

Bates, E., Barco, S., Lynott, M., Phillips, K. and Swingle, W. Analysis of bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops
truncatus) strandings in Virginia Beach, VA to evaluate the potential effects of pound net
modifications. Northeast Regional Stranding Meeting, May, 2013.

Davis, S., Phillips, K., Seney, E., and Barco, S. Diet analysis of stranded loggerhead sea turtles in Virginia,

  1. International Sea Turtle Symposium, January, 2013.
    Lockhart, G.,Swingle, W., Bort, J., Lynott, M. and Barco, S. A Crowded Ocean: Including Biological
    Monitoring Results in Marine Spatial Planning Efforts. Oral Presentation at the Oceans ’12
    Marine Technology Society Conference, October 14-19, Virginia Beach, VA.

Lynott, M., Barco, S., Stolen, M., Phillips, K., and Swingle, W. Temporal trends associated with age in
stranded bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Virginia. Northeast Regional Stranding
Meeting, May, 2013.

Lynott, M., Stolen, M., Bartol, I., Stolen, E., Mazza, T. and Barco, S. Analysis of age, growth and fishery
interaction status of stranded bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Virginia. Southeast
and Mid-Atlantic Marine Mammal Symposium. March, 2013.
Pepe, M., Bort,J., Lockhart, G. Barco, S. and Asmutis-Silvia, R. Can platforms of opportunity in the Mid-
Atlantic be used to supplement broad-scale survey data? Southeast and Mid-Atlantic Marine
Mammal Symposium. March, 2013.

Phillips, K., Lynott, M., Davis, S., Gannon, D., Barco, S. and Bartol, I. The start of a new life history story
for VAQS: Stomach content analysis of bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) in Virginia.
Northeast Regional Stranding Meeting, May, 2013.

Rebecka Brasso

Brasso, RL, Polito, MJ, and Emslie SD. Investigating the influence of diet and foraging habitat on mercury
concentrations in Adélie penguins in two geographically distinct Antarctic marine food webs.
Wilson Ornithological Society, March 2013.

Brasso, RL., Chiaradia A., Parson, N., Raya Rey, A., and Emslie, SD. Penguin feathers as a predictive tool
for assessing Hg exposure in marine food webs in the Southern Hemisphere. North American
Ornithological Conference, August 2012.

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