Biology and Marine Biology

(Axel Boer) #1
60% in professional poise.
No data were returned for
this SLO in 2011-2012. In
2010 - 2011, student
performance (determined
as fraction of students
performing at levels 4 or 5
on a scale of 5) on this SLO
was notably improved over
previous years. Faculty
determined that students
did better in ability to
articulate (78%),
demonstrate breadth (78%)
and depth (67%) of
knowledge, and poise

September 12 2014
department faculty
meeting, the faculty passed
the following motion
associated with this SLO:
“1. Continued monitoring
of performance on SLO #2
(oral exam) for M.Sc.
students. The department
has made some changes in
recent years to improve
performance on this SLO,
which may not have had
adequate time to take
effect. We will gather
another year of data and
then evaluate whether
further action is required.”
SLO3: A graduate student

should be able to

communicate his or her

research to a broadly-

trained public audience.

Link to UNCW Learning

Goal: Thoughtful


Departmental Seminar
presentation of thesis
research is successfully
completed. An assessment
form is filled out by
departmental faculty
members after the thesis

Each student in the program
is assessed by all faculty
members in the department
attending the seminar. Data
on presentation quality,
mastery of research,
professional poise and
ability to answer questions
are collected.

During 2013-2014, 112
respondents deemed
student performance on this
SLO to continue to be good.
>79% of students were
assessed as being at levels 4
or 5 for organization,
mastery and poise. Of slight
concern is the ability to
answer questions (only 71%
at levels 4 or 5). In 2012-
2013, student performance
on this SLO was strong
[n=24 respondents].
Presentation quality and
poise were judged at 88%
and 91% (students
performing at level 4 or 5),
mastery of research was
92%, and ability to answer
questions was 96%. In

The faculty discussed the
results of assessment to
date at the 2014 retreat and
decided that our students
are meeting our
expectations in this SLO and
that no action will be taken.
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