expression. breadth of his/her
knowledge, and
professional poise are
collected. Implementation
of the assessment of this
SLO was planned for the
2010 - 2011 year. We started
to collect data in 2011- 20 12.
depth of knowledge were
lower than for the previous
reporting period (44-67% at
levels 4 or 5). We had few
responses for assessment
for the PhD program in
2012 - 13, so data presented
here are for the longer two
year period of 2011-2013, in
which there were 4
responses for this SLO.
Faculty assessed
performance on this SLO as
generally good (determined
as fraction of students
performing at levels 4 or 5
on a scale of 5), with oral
articulation of answers,
breadth of knowledge and
poise at 100%, and written
articulation and depth of
knowledge at 75%.
years. Given the smaller
sample size for this
graduate program, it is
difficult to detect trends.
Results were discussed at
the Faculty retreat in August
- No actions will be
taken at this point as the
data are limited. We will
continue to collect these
data in the coming years.
SLO3: A graduate student
should be able to
communicate his or her
research to a broadly-
trained public audience.
Link to UNCW Learning
Goals: thoughtful
Departmental Seminar
presentation of dissertation
research is successfully
completed. An assessment
form is filled out by
departmental faculty
members after the seminar.
Each student in the program
is assessed by all faculty
members in the department
attending the seminar. Data
on presentation quality,
mastery of research,
professional poise and
ability to answer questions
are collected.
During 2013-2014 we had
51 respondents for this SLO!
Student performance on the
public seminar was assessed
as excellent, with >90% of
all responses at levels 4 or 5
for organization, mastery or
research, answering
questions, and poise. This
is much improved over the
last reporting period. We
had few responses for
assessment for the PhD
program in 2012-13, so data
from 2011-2013 were
combined. For 2011- 2013
Results were discussed at
the Faculty retreat in August
- No actions will be
taken at this point as
student performance was
strong on this SLO.