Biology and Marine Biology

(Axel Boer) #1

adequate or above (level 3
or above), but the
proportion of students
assessed as being above
adequate dropped. Faculty
determined that the
fraction of students
performing above the level
of adequate students was
52% in ability to articulate,
50% in breadth, and 48% in
depth of knowledge, and
60% in professional poise.
No data were returned for
this SLO in 2011-2012. In
2010 - 2011, student
performance (determined
as fraction of students
performing at levels 4 or 5
on a scale of 5) on this SLO
was notably improved over
previous years. Faculty
determined that students
did better in ability to
articulate (78%),
demonstrate breadth (78%)
and depth (67%) of
knowledge, and poise
(89%). Comparable data for
the previous years: ability
to articulate (75% in 2010 vs
57% for 2009), breadth of
knowledge (75% in 2010 vs
57% for 2009), depth of
knowledge (50% in 2010 vs.
59% for 2009). and
professional poise (88% in
2010 vs 73% for 2009).

one of concern in our
graduate program. The
Biology master’s students
have improved their
performance on this SLO
but the Marine Biology
levels are not as high, for
reasons we cannot
determine. This result was
dicussed at the faculty
retreat at length in August

  1. Because the
    performance of students
    varies from year to year
    with different cohorts, and
    because the majority of
    students are performing at
    the level of adequate or
    better, the department
    decided to monitor the
    results of this SLO carefully
    over the next few
    assessment cycles to
    determine if any trends
    emerge before taking
    further action.

At the September 2013
faculty meeting, the
following motion was
passed by the department:
That the Graduate
assessment coordinator,
working with the Graduate
Advisory Committee (GAC),
examine the oral exam
guidance for our M.Sc.
programs and generate a
plan for making sure that
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