Biology and Marine Biology

(Axel Boer) #1
implemented a peer
monitoring system for
untenured, tenure-track
The continued high level of
performance of
departmental faculty,
coupled with high rates of
successful decisions for
reappointment, tenure, and
promotion suggest that our
faculty development
policies are sufficient.
However, we continue to
refine our procedures to
ensure effective
communication between
faculty and administrators.

Student Learning Outcome
UNCW-wide Learning Goal

Tools Implementation Summary of Findings Actions Taken

SLO 1: A graduate student
should be able to develop a
research plan.
Link to UNCW Learning
Goals: inquiry and
thoughtful expression.

Dissertation proposal is
successfully completed and
defended to student’s
committee. The student’s
committee evaluates
proposal with a form.

Each student in the program
is assessed by each of
his/her committee
members. Data on proposal
quality, synthesis of
literature, definition of
project, and suitability of
methods to be employed
are collected. We began
implementation of the
assessment of this SLO in
the 2010 - 2011 year.

We have few responses for
assessment for the PhD
program in 2012-13, so data
presented here are for the
longer two year period of
2011 - 2013.
Thus we have a total of 14
responses for report for this
SLO in 2011-2013. Faculty
determined that the Ph.D.
students were generally
performing well on this SLO.
Performance (determined
as fraction of students
performing at levels 4 or 5
on a scale of 5) on writing

Results were discussed at
the Faculty retreat in
August. No actions will be
taken at this point as the
data are limited to one year.
We will continue to collect
these data in the coming
Action Item: Continue
collecting data as
prescribed by the approved
SLO assessments.
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