Biology and Marine Biology

(Axel Boer) #1

To ensure timely and appropriate action in response to our discussion at the faculty retreat, the following motion was presented to the faculty of the

department at our September 13 faculty meeting.

Motion 2014.05
Motion was made by Dr. Koopman, Graduate Assessment Coordinator and seconded by Dr. Kinsey.
Motion is to adopt the following graduate assessment goals for Academic Year 2013-2014.
Based on the assessment results for Academic Year 2012-2013 and discussion of these results at the annual department retreat, the Graduate Assessment
Coordinator proposes the following goals for the coming academic year:

  1. That the Graduate assessment coordinator, working with the Graduate Advisory Committee (GAC), examine the oral exam guidance for our M.Sc.
    programs and generate a plan for making sure that students stay on schedule and are aware of the time required to prepare for this exam

  2. That the Graduate Assessment Coordinator, in consultation with the GAC, will develop an alternating schedule for assessment of various aspects of the
    graduate programs over the 2013-14 academic year, for the next five year period (similar to the schedule developed for assessing undergraduate

  3. That the Graduate Assessment Coordinator work with the Graduate Secretary to better coordinate the teaching practicum evaluation for the Ph.D.
    program (SLO#5).

Following discussion the motion passed by unanimous vote with one proxy “abstain” vote on 9/13/2013.

University of North Carolina Wilmington
Educational Program Assessment Plan and Report
(M.Sc. Marine Biology, Dept of Biology & Marine Biology – October 1 2012)
Assessment Plan for 2011 – 2012 (July 1 to June 30)

Primary Contact Name/Info: Heather Koopman, [email protected], 962-7199

Program Outcome
UNCW Strategic Goal

Tools Implementation Summary of Findings Actions Taken

What is the intended or
desired effect of your
programming or services?
What Strategic Goal does it
link to?

Tools or measures of
program outcomes must
address the outcome

Identify who will be
responsible for
implementation; what data
will be collected.

What was learned from
the collection and analysis
of data for the program

What changes were made
because of what you learned?

PO 1: Graduation of M.S.
students within 3 years.
Links to UNCW Strategic
Goal #1: Create the most

Several tools are used for
the assessment process of
this PO:

  • solicitation of information

The Graduate Advisory
Committee (GAC) and the
Graduate coordinator are
largely responsible for

We have combined data
for both our Biology anf
Marine Biology MSc
programs. Over 2002-

The Graduate School has
worked to incrementally
increase TA salaries. We
should continue this process
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