Biology and Marine Biology

(Axel Boer) #1

expression), critical thinking
(information literacy and
critical thinking) and
creative inquiry (inquiry).

journal are collected. explore options for online
assessment form reporting,
rather than the return of
paper forms, in the 2010-
2011 year with the hopes
that this will improve faculty
participation in the
Assessment process.

University of North Carolina Wilmington
Educational Program Assessment Plan and Report
(PhD Program, Biology & Marine Biology –revised October 18 2010)
Assessment Plan Report for 2009-2010

Primary Contact Name/Info: Heather Koopman, Biology & Marine Biology, [email protected]

Program Outcome
UNCW Strategic Goal

Tools Implementation Summary of Findings Actions Taken

PO 1: Graduation of PhD
students within 5-6 years.
Links to UNCW Strategic
Goal #1: Create the most
powerful learning
experience possible for our

Several tools are used for
the assessment process of
this PO:

  • solicitation of information
    from alumni

  • meetings with graduate
    students and surveys of
    graduate student needs

  • review of programs at
    other institutions

  • monitoring of time to

  • periodic outside review

The Graduate Advisory
Committee (GAC) and the
Graduate coordinator are
largely responsible for
gathering this information.
Student members of the
GAC are important conduits
of information from the
student body to the GAC.

Financial concerns have
been identified as a
significant concern for time
to graduate. Based on
student comments and
comparisons with other
programs, a need to make
the curriculum more flexible
was identified. For M.S
students in the department
wishing to change to the
PhD program, a need for an
easier transition was

The Graduate School has
worked to incrementally
increase TA salaries. The
PhD core curriculum was
revised to be more flexible.
The progression from the
M.S. program to the PhD
program was made easier
through a Master’s bypass

PO2: Targeted recruitment
and enhanced retention of
students. Links to UNCW
Strategic Goal #1: Create
the most powerful learning

Several tools are used for
the assessment process of
this PO:

  • solicitation of information
    from alumni

The Graduate Advisory
Committee (GAC) and the
Graduate coordinator are
largely responsible for
gathering this information.

Financial concerns have
been identified as a
significant concern for
recruitment of students.
Based on student comments

The Graduate School has
worked to incrementally
increase TA salaries. The
PhD core curriculum was
revised to be more flexible.
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