Biology and Marine Biology

(Axel Boer) #1
untenured, tenure-track

Student Learning Outcome
UNCW-wide Learning Goal

Tools Implementation Summary of Findings Actions Taken

SLO 1: A graduate student
should be able to develop a
research plan.
Link to UNCW Learning
Goals: creative inquiry
(inquiry) and thoughtful
expression (thoughtful

Dissertation proposal is
successfully completed and
defended to student’s
committee. The student’s
committee evaluates
proposal with a form.

Each student in the program
is assessed by each of
his/her committee
members. Data on proposal
quality, synthesis of
literature, definition of
project, and suitability of
methods to be employed
are collected. We will begin
implementation of the
assessment of this SLO in
the 2009-2010 year.

None yet. N/A

SLO2: A graduate student
should be able to
independently answer
questions regarding their
research field. Link to
UNCW Learning Goals:
critical thinking (information
literacy and critical thinking)
and thoughtful expression
(thoughtful expression).

Written and oral
comprehensive exams are
successfully completed. The
student’s committee
evaluates performance in
the exams with a form.

Each student in the program
is assessed by each of
his/her committee
members. Data on the
student’s ability to
articulate information in
both oral and written
formats, on the depth and
breadth of his/her
knowledge, and
professional poise are
collected. We will begin
implementation of the
assessment of this SLO in
the 2009-2010 year.

None yet. N/A

SLO3: A graduate student
should be able to
communicate his or her
research to a broadly-
trained public audience.

Departmental Seminar
presentation of dissertation
research is successfully
completed. An assessment
form is filled out by

Each student in the program
is assessed by all faculty
members in the department
attending the seminar. Data
on presentation quality,

In the 2008- 09 year, 2
seminars were presented to
the department by PhD
students and evaluated by
the faculty. The faculty

The faculty discussed the
results of assessment to
date at the 2009 retreat and
decided to continue the
assessment of this learning
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