Biology and Marine Biology
axel boer
(Axel Boer)
PR 85. Cahoon, L.B., M.T. Antonini, P.J. Blackmon, D.J. Devito, R.K. Earp, K.D. Marshburn, J.D.
Robbins, D.A. Sawyer, W.D. Thompson, and M.L. Walch. 2011. Effects of “ShellBond” on water
quality: II. Effects on phytoplankton growth. J. N.C.A.S. 127 (4)259-263.
PR 84. Cutting, R.H., L.B. Cahoon, J.F. Flood, L. Horton. 2011. Spill the Beans: GoodGuide,
Walmart and EPA use Information as Efficient, Market-Based Environmental Regulation. Tulane
Environmental Law Journal 24(2): 291-334.
PR 83. Cutting, R.H., L.B. Cahoon, and J. Hall. 2011. If the tide is rising, who pays for the Ark?
Coastal Management 39 (3): 282-295.
93. Cahoon, L.B., and C. Dumas. 2011. Preface to “Making the Connection: Translating Science
into Effective Coastal Policy”, Coastal Management 39: 223-224.
92. Cahoon, L.B. “Homebuilders took risks, now want us to pay”. Op-ed, Wilmington Star-News,
Mar. 27, 2011
PR 82. Flood, J., and L.B. Cahoon. 2011. Risks to coastal wastewater collection systems from sea
level rise and climate change. J. Coastal Research 27(4): 652-660. Published online, Feb. 23, 2011
doi: 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-10-00129.1
PR 81. M.G. Sanilkumar, A.V. Saramma, K.J. Joseph, and L.B. Cahoon. 2011. Monsoon effects on
biomass and distribution of microphytobenthos in the Cochin Estuary, southwest India. J. NCAS.
91. Cahoon, L. Offshore drilling no sure thing. Op-ed, Wilmington Star-News, Dec. 31, 2010.
90. Flood, J.F., and L.B. Cahoon. 2010. Sea level rise and coastal public infrastructure: Risks to
coastal sewage collection systems. TCS 22 Symposium; Shifting Shorelines: Adapting to the
89. Cutting, R.H., L.B. Cahoon, and J. Hall. 2010. If the tide is rising, who pays for the Ark? TCS
22 Symposium; Shifting Shorelines: Adapting to the Future, online publication:
88. Cutting, R.H., and L.B. Cahoon. If the Tide is Rising, Who Pays for the Ark? The Coastal
Society Bulletin 32(3):1-3.
87. Mallin, M.A., and L.B. Cahoon. 2010. Cement plant’s threat to NC fish. Raleigh News and
Observer, Feb. 17, 2010.
86. Mallin, M.A., and L.B. Cahoon. 2010. Wildlife at risk: Adding pollutants to atmosphere will have a
major impact on animals. Wilmington Star-News, Feb. 10, 2010.
PR 80. Cahoon, L.B., K.M. Hardy, and D.M. Allen. Exploring relationships between river
discharge and coastal ocean phytoplankton biomass. Validated in EcoEdNet, Nov. 9, 2009.