Biology and Marine Biology

(Axel Boer) #1


Patrick M. Erwin


2009 MBA University of North Carolina Wilmington Business – Marine Biotechnology

2007 Ph.D. University of Alabama at Birmingham Biology – Microbial Ecology

2003 M.Sc. University of Alabama at Birmingham Biology – Molecular Phylogenetics

2001 B.Sc. University of Richmond Biology – Ecology & Evolution


2013 – Current Assistant Professor  Microbiology
Department of Biology and Marine Biology  University of North Carolina Wilmington

2012 – 2013 Visiting Research Assistant Professor  Marie Curie Reintegration Grant, SYMASC
Department of Animal Biology  University of Barcelona

2010 – 2012 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow  NSF International Research Fellowship Program
Center for Advanced Studies of Blanes  Spanish Research Council

2007 – 2009 Visiting Research Assistant Professor  Business of Marine Biotechnology Program
Center for Marine Science  University of North Carolina Wilmington

PUBLICATIONS (* = graduate student, ** = undergraduate)

  1. Accepted Burgsdorf I*, Erwin PM, López-Legentil S, Cerrano C, Haber M, Frenk S, Steindler L.
    Biogeography rather than association with cyanobacteria structures symbiotic microbial
    communities in the marine sponge Petrosia ficiformis. Frontiers in Microbiology (in press)

  2. Accepted Fan Z, Pita L, Erwin PM, Summara A, López-Legentil S, Hill RT. Symbiotic archaea in
    marine sponges show stability and host specificity in community structure and ammonium
    oxidation functionality. FEMS Microbiology Ecology (in press)

  3. 2014 Riesgo A, Blasco G, Erwin PM, Pérez-Portela R, López-Legentil S. Optimization of
    fourteen microsatellite markers in a Mediterranean demosponge subjected to population
    decimation, Ircinia fasciculata. Conservation Genetics Resources 6(2): 301-303.

  4. 2014 Erwin PM, Pineda MC*, Webster N, Turon X, López-Legentil S. Down under the tunic:
    Bacterial biodiversity hotspots and widespread ammonia-oxidizing archaea in coral reef
    ascidians. The ISME Journal 8: 575-588.

  5. 2013 Pita L*, Erwin PM, Turon X, López-Legentil S. Till death do us part: Stable sponge-
    bacteria associations under thermal and food shortage stresses. PLos ONE 8(11): e80307.

  6. 2013 Pita L*, Turon X, López-Legentil S, Erwin PM. Host rules: Spatial stability of bacterial
    communities associated with marine sponges (Ircinia spp.) in the Western Mediterranean
    Sea. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 86: 268-276.

  7. 2013 Turon X, Garriga A*, Erwin PM. Lights and shadows: Growth patterns in three sympatric
    and congeneric sponges (Ircinia spp) with contrasting abundances of photosymbionts.
    Marine Biology 160: 2743-2754.

  8. 2013 Pita L*, López-Legentil S, Erwin PM. Biogeography and host-fidelity of bacterial
    communities in Ircinia spp. from the Bahamas. Microbial Ecology 66(2): 437-447.

  9. 2013 López-Legentil S, Erwin PM, Velasco M*. Turon X. Growing or reproducing in a temperate
    sea: Optimization of resource allocation in a colonial ascidian. Invertebrate Biology 132(1):

  10. 2013 Erwin PM, Pineda MC*, Webster N, Turon X, López-Legentil S. Small core communities
    and high variability in bacteria associated with the introduced ascidian Styela plicata.
    Symbiosis 59(1): 35-46.

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