Curriculum Vitae – Graduate Program Review 2007-2014
Current Position: Associate Professor, Department of Biology and Marine Biology, and Center
for Marine Science, University of North Carolina Wilmington
Postdoctoral Research Associate, 1997-1999, Marine Sciences Research Center, SUNY Stony
Ph.D., Marine Biology, 1997, University of Delaware ; M.S., Marine Biology, 1993, University of
Research Interests:
Ichthyology; physiological and behavioral ecology of estuarine and marine fishes; disturbance
ecology, fisheries ecology; recruitment mechanisms; ecological and evolutionary implications of
growth strategies; foraging theory and predator-prey interactions.
2006-present, Associate Professor, Department of Biology and Marine Biology, UNCW
2000-2006, Assistant Professor, Department of Biology and Marine Biology, UNCW
Relevant Publications since 2007:
Morley, J.W., Buckel, J.A. and T.E. Lankford. 2013. Relative contribution of spring- and summer-
spawned bluefish to the adult population: effects of size-selective mortality, overwinter growth, and
sampling bias. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70:1- 12.
Morley, J.W., J.A. Buckel and T. E. Lankford. 2012. Comparing multiple predictors of energy
content in juvenile bluefish. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141:1109-1116.
Wuenschel, M., Abel, K., Buckle, J., Morley, J., Lankford, T., Branson, A.^2 , Conover, D., Drisco,
D., Jordaan, A., Dunton, K., Secor, D., Woodland, R., Juanes, F., Stormer, D.. 2012. Recruitment
patterns and habitat use of young-of-the-year bluefish along the United States east coast: insights
from coordinated coastwide sampling. Reviews in Fisheries Science 20(2):80-102.
Slater, J.J., T.E. Lankford and J.A. Buckel. 2007. Winter energetics of young-of-the-year bluefish
(Pomatomus saltatrix): effects of ration and cohort of origin on survival. Marine Ecology Progress
Series 339:259-269.
Morley, J.W. J.A. Buckel and T.E. Lankford. 2007. Energy storage dynamics and cohort structure
of young-of-the-year bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) overwintering off North Carolina. Marine
Ecology Progress Series 334:273-286.
Bluefish Research Along the Atlantic Coast - Bluefish XI for period covering 2007-2009. Co-
authors J. Buckel, D. Conover, M. Wuenschel, D. Secor, K. Able and F. Juanes. Final Report to
NOAA/CMER Award #NA03NMF4550381 - Coastal patterns of juvenile bluefish recruitment in
the mid- and south-Atlantic bights.