12/4/2014 – Course Descriptions University of North Carolina Wilmington Acalog ACMS™
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BIO 539 Advanced Topics in Population Biology
Credits: 24
Prerequisite: Courses in genetics and ecology or permission of instructor. Study of the ecology, genetics,
and evolution of populations. Topics include dynamics of population structure, growth, and regulation;
natural selection and the maintenance of genetic variation within populations; differentiation of populations
and speciation; evolution of population strategies. Lecture hours each week. May be taken more than once
for credit under different topics.
BIO 549 Advanced Topics in Physiology
Credits: 4
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Study of topics in physiology for which significant new understanding
has been obtained. Consideration is given to those emergent techniques that have permitted the application
of scientific methodology to particular physiological problems. Three lecture and three laboratory hours each
week. May be taken more than once for credit under different topics.
BIO 550 Systematic Biology
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: A course in statistics is strongly recommended. A survey of methods used in systematic
investigations including phylogenetic, cladistic, and eclectic approaches to the analysis of molecular,
allozymic, cytogenetic, morphometric, and discrete plant and animal data sets. Nomenclatorial rules and
procedures are discussed. Three lecture hours each week.
BIO 551 Advanced Vertebrate Biology
Credits: 2
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Individualized instruction in the identification, classification, and
ecology of the terrestrial vertebrates of the coastal zone with emphasis on field methodologies. Designed to
fill gaps in each student’s knowledge of the classes of terrestrial vertebrates. Four laboratory hours each
BIO 558 Biology of Recreational and Commercial Fishes
Credits: 3
Prerequisite: Course in ichthyology and permission of the instructor. A study of the major groups of fishes