North Carolina Sea Grant Program, 2008-2010, “Feasibility of implementing a monitoring
program for oyster larvae”. $56,770. (co-P.I.)
Elizabeth City State University (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers), 2008-2009, “The Cape Fear
River Ecosystems Project”. $293,373. (lead P.I.)
North Carolina Sea Grant Program, 2006-2008, “Success in oyster reef restoration: population
and ecosystem measures“, $108,797 (lead P.I.).
Elizabeth City State University (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers), 2007- 2008, “Biochemistry and
Benthic infauna in swamps and Marshes along the NE Cape Fear and Cape Fear Rivers”
$46,281. (P.I.)
Elizabeth City State University (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers), 2007- 2008 “Service, Maintain
and calibrate remote data collection platforms in swamps and channels in the Cape Fear
Basin” $43,421. (P.I.)
Alphin, T. and M. Posey. 2014. Success in oyster reef restoration: population and ecosystem
measures. North Carolina SeaGrant Research Symposium. Invited presentation.
Posey, M.H. 2014. Recent research and restoration efforts at the University of North Carolina
Wilmington. 2014. North Carolina Oysters: A Workshop to Chart Future Restoration, Learning from
the Past. Invited Presentation.
Posey, M.H. and T.D. Alphin. 2014. Implementing restoration, research and enhancement
projects. 2014. North Carolina Oysters: A Workshop to Chart Future Restoration, Learning from the
Past. Invited Presentation.
Walls, K., M. Posey, T. Alphin and E. Ghoniem. 2014. Informed site selection through geospatial
modeling. North Carolina Aquaculture Conference.
Posey, M.H. 2003. The role of honors on campus: perspectives from senior administrators.
National Collegiate Honors Council Conference. Invited participant on a 3 person panel.
Alphin, T.D., L. Cahoon, M. Posey and A. Markwith. 2003. The Eastern oyster (Crassostrea
virginica) as a modifier of epizooic microalgal biomass: the influence of oyster reef characteristics
and associated particulates. Southeast Tidal Creeks Summit.
Hanke, M.H., M.H. Posey and T.D. Alphin. 2013. Spatial dynamics of habitat utilization for
intertidal oyster reef communities in fragmented habitats. 2013 Coastal and Estuarine Research
Federation conference.
Lemon, M.G., M.H. Posey, M.A. Mallin and T.D. Alphin. 2013. Oyster filtration versus passive
structural impacts of Crassostrea virginica reefs on removal of particulates. 2013 Coastal and
Estuarine Research Federation conference.
Page, H.N., M.H. Posey and T.D. Alphin. 2013. Particle Overload! The Eastern oyster's role in
biogeochemical cycling under chronic exposure of sediment and nitrate. 2013 Coastal and Estuarine
Research Federation conference.
Hanke, M, M.H. Posey and T.D. Alphin. 2013. Spatial dynamics of intertidal oyster populations
in fragmented habitats. 2013 Benthic Ecology Meetings.
Dilliplaine, K.B., M.H. Posey, T.A. Alphin, J.B. Morgan. 2013. Impacts of macronutrient
variability in food sources on growth and reproduction of the marine polychaete Alitta succinea.
2013 Benthic Ecology Meetings.
Hargrove, J., T.D. Alphin, and M.H. Posey. 2013. Ecological factors associated with the culture
of hard clams in single and polyculture approaches. 2013 Benthic Ecology Meetings.
Weston, E., D. Meyer, M. Posey and T. Alphin. 2013. Assessment of restored salt marsh
function using resident nekton demography, condition and growth rates as metrics. 2013 Benthic
Ecology Meetings.
Lemon, M.G., M. H. Posey, M.A. Mallin, L. A. Leonard and T.D. Alphin. 2013 “Abiotic versus
biotic removal mechanisms of TSS and Chl a over Crassostrea virginica reef structure.” Meeting of
the Southeastern Estuarine Research Society, Charleston, S.C.