Biology and Marine Biology

(Axel Boer) #1

Fishery management advisory committees:

North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries southern regional advisory committee (co-chair since


North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries red drum advisory committee (co-chair)

Peer-reviewed publications since 2007 (student authors are in bold; 1 = undergraduate, 2 = MS, 3

= PhD)

Submitted or accepted:

Wang, V.H.^3 , M.A. McCartney, and F.S. Scharf. In review. Population genetic structure of

southern flounder inferred from multilocus DNA profiles. Marine and Coastal Fisheries:

Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science

Anderson, D.A.^2 , A.S. Willard, and F.S. Scharf. In review. Thermal sensitivity and maintenance

of osmoregulation of juvenile red drum exposed to winter temperatures. Comparative

Biochemistry and Physiology Part A

Klibansky, N.^3 and F.S. Scharf. In review. Assessing gonadal maturity in hermaphroditic fishes:

comparisons between macro- and microscopic methods. Journal of Fish Biology

Midway, S.R.^3 , S.X. Cadrin, and F.S. Scharf. In press. Southern flounder (Paralichthys

lethostigma) stock structure inferred from otolith shape analysis. Fishery Bulletin


Anderson, D.A.^2 and F.S. Scharf. 2014. The effect of variable winter severity on size-dependent

overwinter mortality caused by acute thermal stress in juvenile red drum (Sciaenops

ocellatus). ICES Journal of Marine Science 71(4):1010-1021.

Midway, S.R.^3 , J.W. White, W. Roumillat, C.B. Batsavage, and F.S. Scharf. 2013. Improving

macroscopic maturity determination in a pre-spawning flatfish through predictive modeling

and whole mount methods. Fisheries Research 147:359-369.

Klibansky, N.^3 and F.S. Scharf. 2013. Size-dependent and temporal variability in batch number

and fecundity of red porgy (Pagrus pagrus), an indeterminate protogynous hermaphrodite

in the US South Atlantic. Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and

Ecosystem Science 5:39-52.

Friedl, S.E.^2 *, J.A. Buckel, J.E. Hightower, F.S. Scharf, and K.H. Pollock. 2013. Telemetry-

based mortality estimates of juvenile spot in two North Carolina estuarine creeks.

Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142:399-415.

Midway, S.R.^3 and F.S. Scharf. 2012. Histological analysis reveals larger size at maturity for

southern flounder (Paralichthys lethostigma) with implications for biological reference

points. Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science


Facendola, J.J.^2 and F.S. Scharf. 2012. Seasonal and ontogenetic variation in the diet and daily

ration of estuarine red drum derived from field-based estimates of gastric evacuation and

consumption. Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem

Science 4:546-559.

Gillum, Z.D.^1 , J.J. Facendola^2 , and F.S. Scharf. 2012. Consumption and gastric evacuation in

juvenile red drum Sciaenops ocellatus (Linnaeus): estimation of prey type effects and

validation of field-based daily ration estimates. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology

and Ecology 413:21-29.

Smith, W.E.^2 , and F.S. Scharf. 2011. Post-release survival of sub-legal southern flounder

captured in a commercial gill-net fishery. North American Journal of Fisheries

Management 31:445-454.

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