Biology and Marine Biology

(Axel Boer) #1

Morgan, D.E.^1 and F.S. Scharf. A comparison of otolith aging precision using scanning electron

and light microscopy. Poster presented at the Tidewater Chapter (AFS) annual meeting,

Wilmington, NC, March 2009.

Smith, W.E.^2 and F.S. Scharf. Post-release survival of sub-legal southern flounder (Paralichthys

lethostigma) captured in a commercial gill net fishery. Poster presented at the Tidewater

Chapter (AFS) annual meeting, Wilmington, NC, March 2009.

Martin, C.R.^2 and F.S. Scharf. Intracohort variation in vital rates of age-0 red drum (Sciaenops

ocellatus): testing for demographic restructuring overwinter. Oral presentation given at the

Tidewater Chapter (AFS) annual meeting, Wilmington, NC, March 2009.

Facendola, J.J.^2 and F.S. Scharf. Predation by age-0 red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) on juvenile

blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus): estimation of daily ration and seasonal variation in the

contribution of blue crab to the diet. Oral presentation given at the Tidewater Chapter

(AFS) annual meeting, Wilmington, NC, March 2009.

Smith, W.E.^2 , F.S. Scharf, J.E. Hightower, and K. Craig. Fishery management and tag-return

estimates of fishing mortality: an example in the NC southern flounder fishery. Oral

presentation given at the American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Ottawa, Can, August


Martin, C.R.^2 and F.S. Scharf. Intracohort variation in growth and mortality of age-0 red drum

(Sciaenops ocellatus) with evidence for demographic restructuring during the overwinter

period. Oral presentation given at the American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Ottawa,

Can, August 2008.

Facendola, J.J.^2 and F.S. Scharf. Predation by sub-adult red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) on

juvenile blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus): estimation of daily ration and seasonal variation

in the contribution of blue crab to the diet. Poster presented at the American Fisheries

Society annual meeting, Ottawa, Can, August 2008.

Klibansky, N.^3 , F.S. Scharf, D.M. Wyanski, and M.S. Baker. Improving the accuracy of maturity

staging in black sea bass (Centropristis striata). Poster presented at the American

Fisheries Society annual meeting, Ottawa, Can, August 2008.

Benavides, M.T.^1 , J.J. Facendola^2 , and F.S. Scharf. Reconstruction of original prey sizes from

digested remains using predictive linear equations with applications for interpreting predator-

prey relationships. Poster presented at the Sigma Xi chapter meeting,Wilmington, NC, April


Martin, C.R.^2 and F.S. Scharf. Intracohort variation in vital rates of age-0 red drum (Sciaenops

ocellatus) with evidence for demographic restructuring during winter. Oral presentation

given at the Tidewater Chapter (AFS) annual meeting, Gloucester Point, VA, March 2008.

Facendola, J.F.^2 and F.S. Scharf. Predation by juvenile red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) on

juvenile blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus): estimation of daily ration and seasonal variation

in the contribution of blue crab to the diet. Poster presented at the Tidewater Chapter

(AFS) annual meeting, Gloucester Point, VA, March 2008.

Brown, E.E.^1 , H.A. Lane^2 , H.N. Koopman, W.E. Smith^2 , and F.S. Scharf. Seasonal and size-

dependent patterns of energy storage by southern flounder in a southeastern North Carolina

estuary. Poster presented at the Tidewater Chapter (AFS) annual meeting, Gloucester

Point, VA, March 2008.

Benavides, M.T.^1 , J.J. Facendola^2 , and F.S. Scharf. Reconstruction of original prey sizes from

digested remains using predictive linear equations with applications for interpreting

predator-prey relationships. Poster presented at the Tidewater Chapter (AFS) annual

meeting, Gloucester Point, VA, March 2008.

Smith, W.E.^2 , F.S. Scharf, and J.E. Hightower. Fishery management and tag-return estimates of

fishing mortality: an example in the NC southern flounder fishery. Oral presentation

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