Biology and Marine Biology
axel boer
(Axel Boer)
given at the North Carolina chapter (AFS) annual meeting, Greenville, NC, February 2008. Best
student paper award winner
Bacheler, N.M.*, L.M. Paramore, J.A. Buckel, and F.S. Scharf. Recruitment of juvenile red drum
in North Carolina: Spatiotemporal patterns of year-class strength and validation of a seine
survey. Invited oral presentation at the NCDMF Southeast Regional Advisory Committee
meeting, Wilmington, NC, January 2008.
Bacheler, N.M.*, L.M. Paramore, J.A. Buckel, and F.S. Scharf. Spatiotemporal patterns of red
drum recruitment. Poster presented as part of the Best Student Poster Symposium at the
American Fisheries Society annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, September 2007.
Smith, W.E.^2 and F.S. Scharf. Harvest mortality and maturity of southern flounder based on tag-
return experiments in the New and Neuse Rivers, NC. Oral presentation given at the
American Fisheries Society annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, September 2007.
Martin, C.R.^2 and F.S. Scharf. Testing for demographic restructuring within cohorts of age-0
juvenile red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus). Poster presented at the American Fisheries
Society annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, September 2007.
Smith, W.E.^2 and F.S. Scharf. Harvest mortality and maturity of southern flounder based on a
tag-return experiment in the New River, NC. Invited oral presentation given to the North
Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries Southeast Advisory Committee, Wilmington, NC,
March 2007.
Scharf, F.S., D.A. Beresoff, and C.B. Stewart^2. Recruitment and first year ecology of North
Carolina red drum: comparison of southeastern estuaries. Invited oral presentation at the
North Carolina Fisheries Forum, New Bern, NC, March 2007.
Martin, C.R.^2 and F.S. Scharf. Testing for demographic restructuring within cohorts of age-0
juvenile red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus). Poster presented at the Sigma Xi chapter
meeting,Wilmington, NC, March 2007.
Scharf, F.S. Population dynamics of North Carolina red drum: the potential contribution of
variable growth and mortality in the juvenile stage. Invited oral presentation at the Center
for Marine Sciences and Technology, North Carolina State University, Morehead City,
NC, February 2007.
Bacheler, N.3*, J.A. Buckel, F.S. Scharf, and L. Paramore. Spatial and temporal patterns of
recruitment of North Carolina red drum. Poster presented at the Tidewater Chapter (AFS)
annual meeting, Lewes, DE, February 2007.
Martin, C.R.^2 and F.S. Scharf. Testing for demographic restructuring within cohorts of age-0
juvenile red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus). Poster presented at the Tidewater Chapter (AFS)
annual meeting, Lewes, DE, February 2007.
Smith, W.E.^2 and F.S. Scharf. Harvest mortality and maturity of southern flounder based on a
tag-return experiment in the New River, NC. Oral presentation at the Tidewater Chapter
(AFS) annual meeting, Lewes, DE, February 2007.
Extramural funding since 2007
NC Division of Marine Fisheries Marine Resources Fund: Scharf, F. S. (Principal), Buckel, J.A.
(Co-Principal), Hightower, J.E. (Co-Principal), “Estimating mortality for southern flounder using a
combined telemetry and conventional tagging approach”,$456,059.00, Funded. (start: July 1, 2014,
end: June 30, 2018).
North Carolina Sea Grant: White, J. (Co-Principal), Scharf, F. S. (Principal), Arnott, S. (Co-
Principal), "Population connectivity of southern flounder in the US South Atlantic", $127,958.00,
Funded. (start: February 1, 2014, end: January 2016).