Biology and Marine Biology
axel boer
(Axel Boer)
NSF OISE U.S.-U.K. Planning Visit: Biochemical characterization of a candidate plant UV-B
photoreceptor $10,296 7/15/2008-6/30/2010.
NCBC EEG PI Pyott, coPIs Taylor, van Tuinen, Lema, Shafer, Stapleton Instrumentation to
Incorporate Biotechnology Skills Across the Undergraduate Biology Curriculum” $89,151
3/16/2009 – 3/15/2010.
UNCW Cahill PI Stapleton Living on Leaves: Influence of Host Genotype and Abiotic Stress on
Maize Phyllosphere Community Structure $3000 1/15/2009-11/15/2009
UNCW International Programs 2009 $1000
NSF CDI Preliminary Proposal PI Borrett, coPIs Stapleton, Sztipanovits (Vanderbilt), Levy (GMU)
Title: CDI-TYPE I: Meta-modeling for the computational discovery of cross scale processes. Not
NSF DBI SGER PI Stapleton, coPI Brown MotifGPS: Stochastic Diffusion Search For Biological
Motifs $154,463 two years. Not funded.
f. Honors, Awards and Professional Service (since 2007)
Head of the vice-provost for research’s planning group for the UNCW Data Science professional
science masters. The program will emphasize UNCW strengths and ties to local clinical research
and environmental industries.
Awarded the first UNCW Honors Mentor award in 2012.
Chair for 2014 Maize Genetics meeting to be held in Beijing, China, with full responsibility for all
program, financial and administrative details for this large volunteer-run meeting.
Served on the Committee of Visitors for the NSF. Panel member for NSF Eukaryotic Genetics, CDI,
ABI, OISE, etc. Panel Member, USDA Plant Genome Program, NRICGP Plants and Environmental
Adaptations Program. Acting Panel Manager, USDA RICECAPS panel. Panel Manager for $10
million USDA CAP Applied Genomics Program.
Manuscripts reviewed for more than 20 journals including: Plant Physiology, Plant Cell and
Environment, Planta, PNAS, Plant Cell, Global Change Biology, Genetics, Bioinformatics,
Microbial Ecology, Field Crops Research, PLOS Genetics. Associate editor for Frontiers in
Genetics and Genomics. Reviewed manuscripts for BMC Plant Biology, American Journal of
Botany, Environmental Microbiology, IEEE Computer, Journal of Photobiology B.
I was elected the next chair for the Quantitative Genetics and Genomics Gordon Conference; I am
co-chair in 2015 and chair in 2017, then I join the past-chairs executive committee—an exclusive
group! I wrote the NIH and USDA conference grants for this group, as the chair for 2015 is
I am an Associate Editor for Frontiers in Plant Genetics and Genomics, with Rich Jorgensen as
Editor-in-Chief. I organized a Research Topic in Metagenomics for the journal, with Gane Ka-Shu
Wang and Jeffery Chang as co-editors.