8. Echevarria M.L. and Taylor A.R. (2011) Marine algal neurotoxins: Pandora’s box or Panacea?
Invited article for The Biochemist 33 (3): 14-18. http://www.biochemist.org/bio/03303/0014/033030014.pdf
9. Cock J.M., Coelho S., Brownlee C., Taylor A.R. (2010) Commentary: The Ectocarpus genome
sequence: insights into brown algal biology and the evolutionary diversity of the eukaryotes New
Phytologist: 188 : 1-4. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2010.03454.x
10. Verret, F., Wheeler, G., Taylor, A.R., Farnham, G., Brownlee, C. (2010) Calcium channels in
photosynthetic eukaryotes: Implications for evolution of calcium-based signalling. New Phytologist
187 : 23-43. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2010.03271.x
11. Milne, A., Davey, M.S., Worsfold, P.J., Achterberg, E.P. & Taylor, A.R. (2009). Real-time
detection of reactive oxygen species generation by marine phytoplankton using flow injection–
chemiluminescence. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 7 : 706–715. doi:10.4319/lom.2009.7.706
12. Taylor, A.R. (2009) A fast Na
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13. McLachlan D, Brownlee C, Taylor A.R., Geider R. and Underwood G. (2009) Light induced
motile responses of the estuarine benthic diatoms Navicula perminuta and Cylindrotheca closterium
(Baccillariophyceae). Journal of Phycology 45 : 592-599. doi:10.1111/j.15 29 8817.2009.00681.x
14. Bowler C, Allen AE, Badger JH, Grimwood, [...], Taylor A.R., [...], Armbrust EV, Green BR, Van de
Peer Y, Grigoriev IV (2008) The Phaeodactylum genome reveals the evolutionary history of diatom
genomes. Nature 456 : 239-244, doi:10.1038/nature07410
15. Thompson, S.E.M., Taylor, A.R., Brownlee, C., Callow, M.E., Callow, J.A. (2008) The role of
nitric oxide in diatom adhesion in relation to substratum properties. Journal of Phycology 44 : 967-976.
doi: 10.1111/j.1529-8817.2008.00531.x
16. Thompson, S.E.M., Callow, J.A., Callow, M.E., Wheeler, G.L., Taylor, A.R., Brownlee, C
(2007) Membrane recycling and calcium dynamics during zoospore settlement in Ulva linza
(Chlorophyta) Plant Cell and Environment, 30 : 733- 744
17. Taylor, A.R. Russell MA, Harper G, Collins T, Brownlee CB (2007) Dynamics of the formation and
secretion of hetercoccoliths by Coccolithus pelagicus (ssp Braarudii). European Journal of Phycology 42 :
125 - 136. doi:10.1080/09670260601159346
1. Taylor, A.R. Invited seminar, Department of Marine Sciences, University of Georgia, ‘The acid
test: pH homeostasis of marine plankton in a changing ocean’, Academic, Regional. (April 2014).
(^) 2. Taylor, A.R. Invited Seminar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, ‘Marine microbial
cell biology and homeostasis: Unraveling ecophysiology and cellular responses to environmental cues’,
Academic, National, Invited. (November 2013).
(^) 3. Taylor, A.R., Chrachri, A., Brownlee, C., Wheeler, G. Molecular Life of Diatoms, European
Molecular Biology Department, Paris, France, ‘Ion fluxes in diatoms: molecular mechanisms,
physiological roles and responses to future oceans’, Academic, International, Invited. (June 2013).
(^) 4. Taylor, A.R. ‘Marine protist sensory biology and homeostasis: Approaches to understand
microscale interactions’, Microscale Interactions in Aquatic Ecosystems, Les Houches School of Physics,
Grenoble, France, March 2013.
(^) 5. Taylor, A.R. ‘Homeostasis and signaling in marine protists: Unraveling ecophysiology and
cellular responses to environmental cues’. Duke Marine Laboratory, Beaufort, North Carolina, USA,
February 6
6.^ Taylor, A.R. ‘Proton channels, pH homeostasis and signaling in unicellular^ algae.’ North
American Society of Protistologists, North American Section, North Carolina Central University.
September 22