Biology and Marine Biology
axel boer
(Axel Boer)
Book Chapters:
2010 Vital rates and population dynamics. Baker, J., Westgate, A.J., and Eguchi, T. In:
Marine mammal ecology and conservation: A handbook of techniques. Eds. Boyd I. L.,
Bowen. W.D., Iverson. S.J. Oxford Press.
2014 Lonati, G. L., Westgate, A. J., and Koopman, H. N. Differences in lipid composition may
influence nitrogen solubility and risk of barotrauma in odontocete intramandibular and
extramandibular fats. SEAMAMMS (Southeast and Mid-Atlantic Marine Mammal
Symposium) meeting, March 28-30, Wilmington, NC.
2014 Lonati, G. L., Westgate, A. J., and Koopman, H. N. Nitrogen solubility related to lipid
composition in toothed whale fats. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology
meeting, Austin TX Jan 3-7. This presentation was awarded the DCPB Jeffrey B. Graham
student presentation award.
2014 Koopman, H., Westgate, A.J, Siders, Z. Potential biological implications of rapid ocean
warming in the Bay of Fundy, Canada. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology
meeting, Austin TX Jan 3-7.
2013 Lonati, G. L., Westgate, A. J., and Koopman, H. N. Variation in lipid composition of
odontocete acoustic fats may affect gas loading during dives. Society for Marine
Mammalogy 20th Biennial Meeting, Dunedin New Zealand, December 9-13.
2013 Koopman, H., Westgate, A.J., Siders, Z. Rapid ocean warming in the Bay of Fundy,
Canada, and potential biological implications. Regional Association for Research in the Gulf
of Maine meeting, Portsmouth, N.H. October 8.
2012 Camilleri, S.A., Koopman, H.N., Westgate, A.J., Gannon, D., Mauck, R., and Kucklick, J.
Provisioning of chicks by Leach’s Storm-Petrels: Insights into energy content, lipid content,
and contaminants of stomach oils. North American Ornithological Conference. Vancouver,
B.C. August 14-18.
2011 Camilleri, S. A., Koopman, H. N., Westgate, A. J., Gannon, D. P., Mauck, R., and
Kucklick, J. Provisioning of Chicks by Leach's Storm-Petrels: Preliminary Insights into
Energy Content and Contaminants of Stomach Oils. SETAC, Boston, November 2011.
2010 McKinstry, C. A. E., Westgate, A. J., and Koopman, H. N. Annual variation in energy
content of the copepod, Calanus finmarchicus from the Bay of Fundy, Canada. Benthic
Ecology Meeting 2010, Wilmington NC, March 10-13, 2010.
2009 Koopman H.N., Westgate, A.J. Solubility of nitrogen gas in odontocete blubber: Are deep
divers more vulnerable to nitrogen absorption? 18th Biennial Conference on the Biology of
Marine Mammals, 2009. Quebec City, Quebec.
2009 McClelland, S., Gay, M., Pabst, D. A., Dillaman, R., Westgate, A. J, Koopman, H. N.
Variation in the vascular patterns of blubber in shallow and deep diving Odontocetes:
Implications for diving physiology? 18th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine
Mammals, 2009. Quebec City, Quebec. This talk was selected as the Best Oral
presentation by an M.Sc. Student.
2009 Westgate, A.J. Development of satellite tags for small cetaceans. Cetacean Tag Design
Workshop. Office of Naval Research. Arlington VA.
2009 McClelland, S., Gay, M., Pabst, D. A., Dillaman, R., Westgate, A. J., and Koopman, H. N.
Blubber vasculature of the bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus, and pygmy sperm whale,
Kogia breviceps. 2009 SEAMAMMS meeting (Southeast and Mid-Atlantic Marine
Mammal Symposium), Wilmington, North Carolina, April 3-5, 2009.
2009 McKinstry, C. A. E., Westgate, A. J., and Koopman, H. N. Breakfast of Champions:
A preliminary analysis of the annual variation in energy content and lipid composition