2007 Ph.D. Ecology, Evolution, & Marine Biology
University of California, Santa Barbara
2000 B.S. Biology (with honors); magna cum laude
Davidson College, Davidson, NC.
2010- Assistant Professor
Dept. Biology & Marine Biology, University of North Carolina Wilmington
2007-2010 Postdoctoral scholar
Dept. Wildlife, Fish, & Conservation Biology and Bodega Marine Laboratory,
University of California, Davis
PUBLICATIONS (since 2007)
(UNCW graduate students in bold)
44. Nickols KJ, White JW, Gaylord B, Largier JL (2014) Marine population connectivity:
reconciling large-scale dispersal and high self-retention. American Naturalist, in press
43. Botsford LW, White JW, Carr MH, Caselle JE (2014) Marine protected areas in
California, USA. In: Advances in Marine Biology: Marine Managed Areas and Fisheries,
vol. 69. (Johnson ML and Sandell J, eds.). Elsevier, Oxford, UK. In press.
42. Wang HY, Botsford LW, White JW, Fogarty MJ, Juanes F, Hastings A, Holland MD,
Brander K (2014) The influence of temperature on life histories sets the sensitivity of
Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, to fishing. Marine Ecology Progress Series, in press
41. White JW, Morgan SG, Fisher JL (2014) Planktonic larval mortality rates are lower than
widely expected. Ecology, in press DOI: 10.1890/13-2248.1
40. White JW, Schroeger J, Drake PT, Edwards CA (2014) The value of larval connectivity
information in the static optimization of marine reserve design. Conservation Letters, in
press DOI 10.1111/conl.12097
39. Birk MA, White JW (2014) Experimental determination of the spatial scale of a prey
patch from the predator's perspective. Oecologia 174: 723- 729
38. White JW, Rassweiler A, Samhouri JF, Stier AC, White C. (2014) Ecologists should not
use statistical significance tests to interpret simulation model results. Oikos 123: 385-