Biology and Marine Biology
axel boer
(Axel Boer)
White, J.W., Nickols, K. J., Cordoleani, F., Botsford, L. W., Hastings, A., Malone, D., Carr,
M., Caselle, J. E. 99th Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Ecological
Society of America, Sacramento, CA, "Accounting for non-equilibrium transient
dynamics in the design and assessment of marine reserves" (August 2014).
Vogel, K. S., White, J. 99th Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Ecological
Society of America, Sacramento, CA, "The time scale of transient population
dynamics hampers the utility of rotational schemes for marine reserves" (August
Hameed, S. O., White, J., Miller, S. H., Nickols, K. J., Morgan, S. G. International Marine
Conservation Congress, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, "Coupled reproduction and
settlement in a coastal metapopulation: evidence of low connectivity in a network of
marine protected areas?" (August 2014).
Brander, S.M., Jeffries, K., Cole, B., DeCourten, B., DeGroot, B., White, J.W., Fangue, N.,
Connon, R. SETAC Europe 2014, Society of Environmental Toxicology and
Chemistry Europe, Basel, Switzerland, "Use of an estuarine model teleost to evaluate
pollutant impacts at multiple biological scales" (May 2014).
Garland, H., White, J., Kimbro, D. L. 27th Annual Meeting of the Florida Association of
Benthologists (FAB), Apalachicola, FL, "Apalachicola Bay's imperiled oysters: better
monitoring and experiments to understand the collapse and the potential for
recovery", (November 2013).
Botsford, L., White, J.W., Baskett, M., Hastings, A., Barnett, L., Nickols, K. J., Moffitt, E.
Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation (CERF) conference, San Diego, CA,
"Adaptive management for population resilience in marine protected areas"
(November 2013).
Hameed, S. O., White, J., Miller, S. H., Nickols, K. J., Morgan, S. G. Coastal and Estuarine
Research Federation (CERF) conference, San Diego, CA, "Coupled reproduction and
settlement, connectivity, and local retention of rocky shore metapopulations in an
upwelling region" (November 2013).
Nickols, K., White, J., Botsford, L., Malone, D., Carr, M., Barnett, L., Baskett, M., Hastings,
A. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation (CERF) conference, San Diego, CA,
"Setting expectations for marine protected area performance: matching population
models to monitoring data" (November 2013).
Brander, S., Jeffries, K. M., Cole, B. J., DeCourten, B. M., DeGroot, B. C., White, J.W.,
Cherr, G. N., Fangue, N. A., Connon, R. E. Biomarker Workshop, California Dept.
Fish and Wildlife, Davis, CA, "Linking the benchtop to the bay: Menidia species as
indicators of endocrine disruption." (October 24, 2013).
Nickols, K. J., Botsford, L. W., White, J.W., Malone, D. P., Carr, M. H., Barnett, L. A.,
Baskett, M. L., Hastings, A. 42nd Benthic Ecology Meeting, Savannah, GA,
"Expectations for marine protected areas: too much too soon? A case study from
Central California", (March 2013).
Heintz, M. M., Brander, S., White, J.W. 42nd Benthic Ecology Meeting, Savannah, GA,
"Guppy gladiators: endocrine disrupting compounds alter risk-taking behaviors when
facing a predator in the arena" (March 2013).
White, J.W. 42nd Benthic Ecology Meeting, Savannah, GA, "Potential benefits and
drawbacks of spatial management for ontogenetically migrating fishes" (March 2013).
Hanmer, J., White, J.W., Pawlik, J. R. 42nd Benthic Ecology Meeting, Savannah, GA,
"Shifting diets: quantifying the effects of resource availability on redband parrotfish
feeding on Caribbean coral reefs" (March 2013).