Biology and Marine Biology
axel boer
(Axel Boer)
Fried K and AEWilbur (2012) “Intra-/ Inter-specific differences of predator-induced
defenses in the Eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica and the Crested oyster, Ostrea
equestris” UNCW Undergraduate Research and Creativity Showcase
Finelli C, AEWilbur, MHPosey, TAlphin (2012) "To seed or not to seed: The value of
seeding restored oyster reefs for ecosystem function” 41th Benthic Ecology Meeting,
Wilbur AE (2012) “Bigger, Better, Faster Selective Breeding and the Shellfish Research
Hatchery” invited seminar, Planet Ocean Seminar Series UNCW CMS
Bryan M and AEWilbur (2011) “The seasonal patterns of MSX (Haplosporidium nelsoni)
prevalence and intensity in Crassostrea virginica in southeastern North Carolina” UNCW
Undergraduate Research and Creativity Showcase, Wilmington, NC
Badger C and AEWilbur (2011) “Evaluation of the efficacy of non-lethal hemolymph
sampling for the study of parasite infection in the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica”
103 rd National Shellfisheries Association meeting, Baltimore, MD
Campbell J and AEWilbur, National (2011) “Seasonality and transmission of parasites
infecting Ostrea equestris in Masonboro Sound, North Carolina” Shellfisheries Association
meeting, Baltimore, MD
Finelli C, AEWilbur, MHPosey, TAlphin. (2011) 40th Benthic Ecology Meeting, Mobile, AL,
"To seed or not to seed: The value of seeding restored oyster reefs for ecosystem
Wilbur AE. 2011 North Carolina Aquaculture Development Conference, Atlantic Beach, NC
“Evaluation of genetic differentiation and disease status of North Carolina populations of
eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica” (February 12, 2011)
Betancur RR, PAcero GOrtí, AHines, AEWilbur and DWFreshwater (2010) Lionfish keep
spreading throughout the Western Atlantic: mitochondrial haplotype data reveal a founder
effect into the Caribbean (contributed talk) Sea American Society of Ichthyologist and
Herpetologist meeting Providence RI
Wilbur AE 2010 An assessment of genetic diversity in North Carolina populations of the
eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica using microsatellite markers (poster presentation)
Benthic Ecology Meetings, March 9-12 Wilmington NC
Sherman M, AEWilbur (2010) Whole genome analysis of bay scallop population structure
in North Carolina (poster presentation) Benthic Ecology Meetings Wilmington NC
Wilbur AE (2009) An overview of recent shellfish initiatives and activities in North Carolina”
(invited presentation) National Shellfisheries Association meeting Savannah GA
Bert T, AEWilbur, WS Arnold, AMcMillen-Jackson. (2009) Population genetics of bay
scallops (Argopecten irradians): a history of long-distance dispersal and range expansion.
(invited talk) National Shellfisheries Association meeting Savannah GA