Biology and Marine Biology Graduate Student Annual Report
2007-2008 Academic Year
Presentations at scientific meetings:
Adam Branson
Branson, A. and Lankford, T. Fish Assemblage structure of estuarine vs. ocean surf habitats in
southeastern North Carolina. American Fisheries Society Tidewater Chapter, March, 2008.
James Casey
Casey, J., Garner, S., and Southwood, A. Stomach temperatures provide evidence of feeding for
leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) at St. Croix, USVI. 28th Annual Symposium on Sea
Turtle Conservation and Biology, January, 2008. Poster presentation.
Katie Chartrand
Chartrand, K., Durako, M. Siderastrea in Florida Bay: Photophysiological response to hyposaline stress in
a marginal coral habitat. Estuarine Research Federation, November, 2007.
Chip Collier
Collier, W.R., Impacts of natural disturbances on the lower Cape Fear River Species Assemblage, 2002-
2007 Oral: Tidewater AFS Meeting Gloucester, VA
Lisa Goshe
Goshe, L.R., Avens, L., and Southwood, A.L. Poster presentation: Is bone growth related to carapace
growth in Atlantic green sea turtles? 28th International Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and
Conservation, January, 2008.
Kristin Hardy
Hardy, K.M., Dillaman, R.M. and Kinsey S.T. Intracellular diffusion constraints may influence organelle
distribution in skeletal muscle. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, January, 2008.
(best student oral presentation winner)
Locke, B.R., S. Dasika, S.T. Kinsey and K.M. Hardy. The Influence of Diffusion on Energy Metabolism
and Cellular Organization in Skeletal Muscle. American Chemical Society Meeting, 2008
Hillary Lane
Lane, H. and Koopman, H. Ontogenetic, seasonal, and annual variation in lipid content and composition
of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) from the Bay of Fundy, Canada. American Fisheries
Society Tidewater Chapter Meeting, March, 2008.
Lane, H. and Koopman, H. Temporal and ontogenetic variation in the nutritional value of Atlantic herring
(Clupea harengus), an important prey species in the Bay of Fundy, Canada. Southeast and Mid-
Atlantic Marine Mammal Symposium, March, 2008.
Tse-Lynn Loh
Pawlik, J.R., Henkel, T.P., Loh, T.L., Lopez-Legentil, S., McMurray, S., and Rohde, S.
Testing an hypothesis on sponge chemical defenses using the wreck of the USS
Spiegel Grove. Presented at the 5th European Conference on Marine Natural