Marina Piscitelli
Piscitelli, M., McLellan, W., Rommel, S., and Pabst, D.A. A plan to compare thoracic
morphology in a shallow (Tursiops truncatus) and deep diving (Kogia spp.)
cetacean. Southeast and Mid-Atlantic Marine Mammal Symposium, March, 2008.
Mike Polito
Polito M.J., Emslie S.D., and Strickland M.E. Temporal variation in resource utilization in Pygoscelis
penguins as inferred from stable isotope analysis. Waterbirds Society Meeting, October, 2007.
Carly Randall
Randall, C., and Szmant A. Effects of Elevated Seawater Temperatures on the Development and
Survivorship of Larvae of the Eklhorn Coral Acropora palmate. International Coral Reef
Symposium, July, 2008.
Mark Sherman
Sherman, M., D. Schmidt, and A. Wilbur. Larval Releases as a Method of Bay Scallop Restoration in
Bogue Sound, North Carolina, March, 2008. [Poster]
Jessica Snoddy
Snoddy, J., Landon, M., Owens, D., Blanvillain, G., and Southwood, A. Physiology and post-release
mortality of sea turtles released from gillnets in the lower Cape Fear River, North Carolina.
International Sea Turtle Symposium, January, 2008.
Zach Swaim
Swaim, Z., Westgate, A., Koopman, H., Rolland, R., and Kraus, S. A wax ester digester? Comparing the
lipid content and composition of right whale fecal material to those of their copepod prey. The
North Atlantic Right Whale Consortium, November, 2007.
Christy Visaggi
Visaggi, C.C. and Kelley, P.K. 2007. Relationship between drilling predation and shell morphology of
patellid limpets from southwestern England. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting,
October 2007.
Kelley, P.K., Visaggi, C.C., Mahoney, R.N., Ofalt, K.M., Palmer, S.L., and Payne, D.N. 2008. Comparative
analysis of factors affecting predatory and nonpredatory bioerosion on Stewartia and Dosinia
from the Plio-Pleistocene Caloosachactee Formation of Florida, Geological Society of America
Southeastern Section Meeting, April 2008.
Kelley, P.K., Visaggi, C.C., DePriest, J.R., Lewis, J.D., Mann, R., Reddy, C., Schronce, A.G. and Schub,
E.P. 2008. Spatial variation in predatory and nonpredatory bioerosion in selected bivalves from
the Plio-Pleistocene of the U.S. Coastal Plain, Geological Society of America Southeastern
Section Meeting, April 2008.
Chuck Wilson
Wilson, C. R. Restoring our shorelines. An Updated Look at Estuarine Shoreline Stabilization in Coastal
North Carolina Workshop. NOAA, November 2007.