Microsoft Word - Hinduism formatted.doc

(singke) #1

“We have now reached the last era, the dark age or Kali
Yuga, which is a period of dissolution.”

Julius Evola

“Humanity is fallen: it is now a question of swimming
against the stream...”

Mircea Eliade

Yet whilst “... the tantrika does not renounce the
world; he tried to overcome it while enjoying perfect
freedom” the fact remains that “Against the terrors of
history there are only two possibilities of defence: action or
contemplation ... Our only solution is to contemplate, that
is to escape from historic time to another Time.”

Stefan, in Mircea Eliade, The Forbidden Forest 1954

Such words are much more an affirmation of the ‘right-
hand’ tradition, for they point to the trans-historical
dimension of time into which true tantric meditation leads.
This is the experience of Kali as the trans-temporal essence
of time (Kala) itself, the circumscribing circle, sphere or
womb of an infinite time-space of awareness within which our
personal worldly concerns – and those of the current world
at large – appear as transitory and diminutive in the larger
scale of things.

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