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(singke) #1

solipsism, and with it the false philosophical question of
how the self can come to know that others too have
subjective awareness – the so-called question of ‘other

“The so-called problem of the ‘other’ or of ‘other minds’
only appears if you think (Laing notwithstanding) that
experience is private and in need of being communicated,
i.e., that experience can be ‘owned’ like a commodity.”

The way we ‘privately’ experience others is
automatically sensed by others and vice versa. Subjectivity
or awareness is in essence reciprocal or ‘inter-subjective’.
‘Scientific Socialism’ is in essence a spiritual or ‘Soul-
Scientific’ understanding of human relations – both to one
another and to nature – one that recognises an innate unity
between the souls of all being, not only with one another
but with the aware inwardness or soul of apparently
insentient ‘objects’. Like Hindu understandings of
subjectivity or ‘soul’, Marxism – understood as a science of
subjectivity or soul – stands in radical opposition to all
current forms of social and scientific reductionism, in
particular what Marx saw as the reduction of the human
senses in capitalist culture to the single sense of ‘having’,
and the reduction too, of all immeasurable qualitative
dimensions of human subjective experiencing to
‘objectively’ measurable and calculable quantities.

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