Microsoft Word - Hinduism formatted.doc

(singke) #1

purely egoic and atomic idea of the individual subject, self
or ‘I’.

What Hindu yogis understand as ‘God-Consciousness’
or ‘Transcendental Consciousness’ does not come about
through reflection – for all reflection on experience is itself
part of the very flux of experiencing. Transcendental
consciousness on the other hand, is essentially a pure
awareness of experiencing, as distinct from any ‘thing’ we
experience, or any particular mode of experiencing.

From the political perspective of the Transcendental
Meditation movement:

“... when individuals experience transcendental
consciousness, their individual consciousness becomes
more coherent, contributing an influence of coherence to
the collective consciousness of society, which in turn
influences other members of society.”

D. Orme-Johnson, Maharishi University of Management

Many forms of collective political action are not
assertions of power but a reaction to feelings of impotence

  • arising as they do from the belief that as individuals we
    are powerless to influence mass events. From a field-
    theoretic perspective however, each individual’s ‘private’
    inner responses to mass events exerts a direct influence on
    mass events – reverberating within the mass psyche or the
    mass ‘awareness field’. The subtlest of nuances in each

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