Microsoft Word - Hinduism formatted.doc

(singke) #1


individual’s private inner feelings and ‘position’ towards
actual or anticipated events will affect the course of those
events – even if those feelings and that position are not
formulated and spelled out, and whether or not they find
expression in the public positions of political parties and
spokespersons. Thus anyone who inwardly assents to an
actual or possible war effectively promotes that war, even
without voting for it or publicly voicing that assent. On the
other hand, anyone who is aware of even the slightest
feeling inclining them to assent to an actual or possible war

  • or to inhumanity of any sort – can, through that very
    awareness – choose to actively dis-identify with those
    inclinations and withdraw their inward assent.

“... any one-sided action is always a passive reaction to a

Michael Kosok The Dialectics of Nature

True individual freedom and political power come
from awareness and not from political, action, reaction or
mere analytic reflection. Truly effective action and truly
deep political analysis have their source in awareness.
Ultimately however, all forms of political action are always
a reaction to existing patterns of action, whether in defence
of, or in opposition to those patterns. Personal identity
itself is a pattern of action. The struggle of progressive
‘activists’ against conservative ‘reactionaries’ is itself
essentially reactionary politics in defence of one or other

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