Microsoft Word - Hinduism formatted.doc

(singke) #1

able to recognise and exploit those spiritual needs for
their own selfish purposes.
What is called ‘theocracy’ means a society governed
by the power of the Divine. Yet the power of the Divine
is not a power exercised over nature or human beings. For
both human beings and nature are themselves a living
expression of Divine Power or Shakti – of those infinite
creative powers potentialities that emerge from womb of
that great Awareness that is Shiva.
Sri Aurobindo believed in a future transition from
capitalism, to socialism and thence to a type of
‘communists anarchism’ corresponding exactly to Marx’s
own definition of communism itself – as a society in
which “the free development of each is the condition for
the free development of all.”

“In the golden age or satyayuga there is no need for an
external government: the self-determining individual and
community live spontaneously according to their free,
divine svadharma. This is the ultimate condition.”

Auroville Today

Sri Aurobindo also recognised this future form of
society would be characterised by a subjective rather than
objective mode of rationality:

“The transition from the infra-rational (to which all the
past political orders belong) to the rational age is thus

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