Microsoft Word - Hinduism formatted.doc

(singke) #1


Acharya Peter Wilberg first practiced the yoga of ‘out-
of-body’ travel as an adolescent. Yet in early adulthood,
whilst studying philosophy at Oxford’s Magdalen College,
he was a frequent invisible flyer over its quads. Whilst
studying philosophy Acharya Peter Wilberg gave deep
attention to Eastern as well as Western thought. His
subsequent MA dissertation in Humanistic Psychology was
an expression of his experience of the yoga of dreaming –
being based on experiential research into inter-personal
dimensions of ‘lucid dreaming’. In his own lucid dreams he
encountered numerous teachers and Gurus, travelled
beyond our planetary system and experienced planes of
awareness beyond the dream state.

This phase of his work culminated in a single dream
which led him beyond the dream state itself into a deeper
layer of awareness and a profound trans-personal
experience of his own ‘great soul’ or ‘Mahatma’. From
within it he was wordlessly imbued with its higher knowing
or ‘Vijnana’, as well as being instructed with his spiritual
life-mission – that of re-conceptualising that knowing in
new, more refined ways. Over subsequent decades he
therefore continued to practice and seek new ways of
articulating his many self-discovered Yogas, in particular
that of using his face and eyes to mirror the looks of others
and sense their souls – feeling their own soul in his body
and his own soul in theirs. As a result, in 1975 he had the
first experience of what was to become the new mode of

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