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‘Tantric Pair Meditation’ that he describes in his essays and
books – a form of tantric union or ‘Maithuna’ that he has
now practiced for over 30 years. Through it, he cultivated
his most important ‘Siddhi’ – the capacity, through his
inner gaze and inner touch, to not only embody different
qualities and faces of the Divine-Universal Awareness, but
also to channel them directly into the body of another – the
mark of a teacher with powers of initiation.

It was out of this rich history of continuous yogic
practice and aware inner experiencing that Acharya Peter
Wilberg was able to fulfil his life-mission and to formulate,
over many decades, the original Principles and Practices of
Awareness which make up ‘The New Yoga’. In doing so,
he has not only become the preceptor or Acharya of a new
spiritual teaching. He has also become an empowered and
initiatory ‘Guru’ (‘Siddha Guru’ or ‘Diksha Guru’) in the
most traditional sense – capable not only of embodying
Divine potentials and powers of awareness (‘Siddhis’) but
also awakening them in others – thus bestowing initiation

Together with his lifelong studies of both Indian and
European philosophies, this extraordinary experiential
history enabled Acharya Peter Wilberg to evolve, over
several decades, the metaphysical principles and
meditational practices which together make up what he
calls ‘The New Yoga’ – a yoga of pure awareness (Shiva)

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