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Marx, Karl Capital: a critique of political economy Volumes 1-3, Penguin
Marx, Karl and Engels, Friedrich The Communist Manifesto Penguin
Marx, Karl Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts Prometheus Books
Mehta, J.L. Philosophy and Religion – Indian Council of Philosophical
Research 2004
Merton, Thomas Ghandi on Non-Violence: Selected Texts from Gandhi’s
“Non-Violence in Peace and War” New Directions Paperbooks 2007
Muktananda Nothing Exists That Is Not Shiva SYDA Foundation
Müller, Max India: What can it teach us? Book Tree 1999
Muller-Ortega, P.E. The Triadic Heart of Siva SUNY 1989
Murphy, Paul E. Triadic Mysticism, Motilal 1999
Pandey, K.C. Abhinavagupta – an historical and philosophical study,
Chaukhamba 2000
Pandit, B.N. Specific Principles of Kashmir Shaivism Mushiram
Manoharlal 1997
Perera, Jose Hindu Theology – A Reader, Image Books 1976
Roberts, Jane The Seth Material Prentice-Hall 1970
Roberts, Jane Seth Speaks – The Eternal Validity of the Soul Amber-
Allen 1994
Singh, Jaideva Abhinavagupta - Paratrisika-Vivarana Motilal 2002
Singh, Jaideva Siva Sutras – The Yoga of Supreme Identity Motilal 2000
Singh, Jaideva Spanda-Karikas, The Divine Creative Pulsation Motilal
Singh, Jaideva Vijnanabhairava or Divine Consciousness Motilal 2001
Singh, Jaideva Pratyabehijnanahrdayam - The Secret of Self-Recognition
Motilal 2003
Swami Shankarananda The Yoga of Kashmir Shaivism, Motilal 2006
Urban, Hugh B. Tantra – Sex, Secrecy, Politics and Power in the Study of
Religion University of California Press 2003
Viyogi, Naval Nagas - The Ancient Rulers of India D.K. Publishers 2002
Zimmer, Heinrich Philosophies of India ed. by Joseph Campbell,
Motilal 1990

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