Microsoft Word - Hinduism formatted.doc

(singke) #1


Immersing himself in the supreme reality, clearly
aware that awareness is in all things, [the Yogi’s]
awareness vibrates. This throbbing pulsation [Spanda]
is the Great Pervasion [Mahavyapti].

Every appearance owes its existence
to the light of awareness.

Nothing can have its own being
without the light of awareness.

Sri Kshemaraja

... the being of all things that are recognized
in awareness in turn depends on awareness.

... the power of space is inherent in the soul as true
subjectivity, which is at once empty of objects and
which also provides a place in which objects may be

The Shastras [teachings] and Agamas [scriptures]
proclaim with reasoned argument that it [awareness]
is free of thought-constructs and precedes all mental
representation of any objects.

Just as a man who has been ill for a long time forgets
his past pain completely when he regains his health,
absorbed as he is in the ease of his present condition,
so too are those who are grounded in pure awareness
free of thought-constructs no longer conscious of their
previous [fettered] state.

The yogi should abide firmly fixed in his own nature
by the power of expanding awareness ... relishing the
objects of sense that spontaneously appear before him.

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