Microsoft Word - Hinduism formatted.doc

(singke) #1


What has ‘Hinduism’ to say today?....................................................................

What has Hinduism to say today - to today’s world?
What have its ancient and profound ‘theo-sophical’
traditions, uniting theology and philosophy, religion and
science, psychology and metaphysics, to offer the world

As Gandhi said: “An eye for an eye makes the whole
world blind.” That is one major reason why a new and truly
global ‘Hinduism’, one freed of attachment to ethnicity,
caste and gender discrimination, communalism - and the
current encroachments of global capitalism and
consumerism in its mother country – is so much needed.
Such a Hinduism would no longer be identical with ‘India’
or the ethnic Hindu Diaspora from the Asian subcontinent.
Yet it alone could offer the world an alternative to the
world-destructive war that is raging between:

  1. rampant secular materialism, consumerism and imperialism,

  2. its religious-political prop in the form of Judaeo-
    Christian Zio-Nazism, and

  3. reactionary feudalistic and fundamentalist Islamism.

That is because the Hindu theosophical tradition offers
us a fundamentally different understanding of both God
and the Universe from that of both religious and scientific
fundamentalisms – whether the fundamentalist dogmas of

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