Microsoft Word - Hinduism formatted.doc

(singke) #1


Hypnotised by letting their awareness become focused
and concentrated on their outer, physical reality, they
gradually lost any sense of other planes or dimensions of
reality and their awareness became restricted to their
physical minds and bodies.

However, they also secretly yearned to feel again their
connection with the darkness of the Divine Mother from
whose womb they emerged, with the light of Divine
Awareness that had released them from it, and with all
those countless other planes and dimensions of awareness
that the Great Mother Goddess and the Great God –
Mahadevi and Mahadeva – had jointly given birth to.

So began the long search among human beings to re-
find ‘God’. Along this way, great teachers showed them the
way, teaching them through the wisdom of Yoga, Mantra
and Tantra to identify with the pure Awareness that is the
Divine – knowing that by doing so they would totally free
their awareness from identification with their limited
physical consciousness and all its contents.

The Divine, aware of this in advance, had already
prepared the way by dreaming itself in the human form of
Shiva. Yet as once that Divine Awareness had dreamt itself
not just in the form of Shiva but that of each embodied
human soul or Jiva, so now human beings began to dream
of their own divine source, yearning to once again feel
themselves and each other as a part of the Divine

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