25bh october 2017 | 3
inspiring homes26 natureâs bounty Simple tonesand rustic touches reflect the idyllic ruralsetting of this Lincolnshire farmerâs cottage40 baroQue oF aGes Treasuredantiques and salvaged finds are displayedwith flair in a Northumberland house55 a GranD PLan An aspiring interiordesigner renovated a neglected London semi,transforming it into a spacious urban retreat58 CLassIC CoMbInatIon A mix oftraditional and contemporary styles lends afresh look to this period home in Huddersfield65 raIsInG tHe bar A former public``````house in Liverpool has been given a newlease of life as a fabulous family home76 totaLLy troPICaL Time spenttravelling inspired these homeowners to givetheir London property an exotic twist99 HoMe Is WHere tHe art IsColour and creativity reigns supreme in thisartistâs detached house in Dublin106 bLanK CanVas This London terracecelebrates the best of British craftsmanship114 saFe HaVen Improving the light andflow was top priority when turning a Londontownhouse into a sanctuary-style space``````A mixture of piecesfrom around theworld creates aone-of-a-kind stylein this contemporaryapartment (page 35).``````coveR stoRy
114October 2017
nancy kaufman
(Nancy Kaufman)