Basic Marketing: A Global Managerial Approach

(Nandana) #1
Perreault−McCarthy: Basic
Marketing: A
Approach, 14/e

  1. Marketing’s Role in the
    Global Economy

Text © The McGraw−Hill
Companies, 2002


out what the day holds, will

you need to log on to AOL to
check your e-mail, or perhaps
check the calendar on your
Palm? Will you head off to
school or work in a VW Beetle

or on a bus that the city
bought from General Motors,
or is this the right kind of day
to dust off your Razor

When you think about it,

you can’t get very far into a
day without bumping into mar-
keting—and what the whole
marketing system does for
you. It affects every aspect of

our lives—often in ways we
don’t even consider.
In other parts of the world,
people wake up each day to
different kinds of experiences.

A family in China may have lit-
tle choice about what food
they will eat or where their
clothing will come from. A

farmer in the mountains of
Jamaica may awake in a bar-
ren hut with little more than
the hope of raising enough to
survive. A businessperson in a

large city like Tokyo may have
many choices but not be
familiar with products that
have names like Maxwell
House, General Motors, and

Oscar Mayer.
What explains these differ-
ences, and what do they have
to do with marketing? In this
chapter, we’ll answer ques-

tions like these. You’ll see
what marketing is all about
and why it’s important to you.
We’ll also explore how market-
ing affects the quality of life in

different societies and why it is
so crucial to economic devel-
opment and our global




ct product

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