(Jacob Rumans) #1
Influence on production is delegated identically in the whole group, and every
copy will be unique in layout. As the pages are assembled into the zines they are all
shuffled, so every page will face someone else’s and only the mid-spread will actu-
ally be perceived as a whole. Every participant is equally “mistreated” by this, but
will visually create new assemblages for every unique zine copy. Of 144 numbered
copies, no two will look the same.
However, there is an exception to the total equality between the contributors –
someone has to make the cover, and does get immediate attention from readers,
but on the other hand this contributor can never get the middle spread. This is an
unfortunate but necessary compromise.
For each new issue a new alliance is formed and a group is assembled to make the
zine. A “material public” (Marres 2008) is formed around its “issue”, in both mean-
ings of the word. For every issue the process evolves and is constantly reimple-
mented. It is tested, renegotiated and can multiply into new forms, mutate as the
groups fork or disintegrate, every time creating new multitudes and formations. It
is every time represented by new assemblages in the zine and every time it is ap-
pearing in new hosts.

The Code War of Fashion.

>Culture is the weapon of the 21st century.
>Clothes are politicized objects under the rule of fashion.
>Your body is a front. There is a civil war raging on it between the
actors in the fashion system. >Your clothes are weapons.

Because fashion is a game we love to play.Because fashion is a game we love to play.

You can be a partisan. You can act from un-derneath. Support your local struggle and set
the battles you want to fi ght. You can create a more autonomous position and support local
initiatives and campaigns. Practice fashion tactics. But still be in vogue.
This magazine is a free space of local fashion statements. Subverting the fashion system’s
vectors of power but using its infrastructure for promoting multitudes and transparency of
how fashion MIGHT be and what other means of expression and meaning it could manifest.
So celebrate the possibility of the everyday! Focus your attention and energy on fashion!
Fight to win.

Introduction page for the first Malmö issue
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