Textbook of Personalized Medicine - Second Edition [2015]

(Ron) #1

will facilitate development of POC tests. Nanotechnology- based diagnostics
provides the means to monitor drugs administered by nanoparticle carriers. Nano-
diagnostic biosensors might be incorporated in nanorobotic devices for navigating
the body to detect and destroy viruses or cancer cells (Jain 2012 ).

Advantages Versus Disadvantages of Point-of-Care Diagnosis

Advantages of POC diagnosis are:

  • Appropriate immediate prescribing according to diagnosis

  • Rapid implementation of measures for control of infections

  • Decreased dependency of remote areas on distant diagnostic facilities

  • Rapid diagnosis, alleviating unnecessary anxiety associated with waiting for

  • Contributing to decreased overall cost of health care by reducing inappropriate
    treatments while waiting for traditional laboratory diagnosis

  • No need for transport of specimens

Disadvantages of POC diagnosis are:

  • Misuse or misinterpretation of test result, particularly if used in the home

  • Overutilization of services leading to rise of cost of health care

  • Potential loss of epidemiological data

  • Less opportunity for large scale automation

Table 2.7 Applications of point-of-care diagnosis

In the hospital
Emergency room testing for various pathogens in ‘untested’ blood donations
Rapid tests in emergency departments for microorganisms in severe diarrhea, meningitis etc.
Intensive care
Operating room
In the physician’s offi ce
Testing for viruses causing coughs and colds
Detection of bacterial infections to select appropriate antibiotic
Screening for cancer
In fi eld studies
Screening of populations for genetic disorders
Testing of patients in clinical trials
Detection of microorganisms that are associated with bioterrorism
Identifi cation of patients with communicable diseases at the point of immigration
Food testing
In the home
Self testing by the patient
Testing at home by visiting healthcare personnel
© Jain PharmaBiotech

Point-of-Care Diagnosis

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