Textbook of Personalized Medicine - Second Edition [2015]

(Ron) #1

the therapeutics-effectors (e.g. channels and receptors) interactions and their cell
and tissue responses. A multidimensional nanobiotechnology-based approach to
personalized medicine starts with scanning probe techniques, especially atomic
force microscopy (AFM) to identify potential targets for drug discovery (Lal and
Arnsdorf 2010 ). AFM can be integrated with nanocarriers and implantable vehicles
for controlled delivery. Characterization of nanocarrier-based drug delivery can
enable high effi ciency of in vivo or topical administration of a small dosage of
therapeutics. High-throughput parallel nanosensors, comprising integrated cantile-
vered microarrays, total internal refl ection fl uorescence (TIRF) microscopy, micro-
fl uidics and nanoelectronics, can be used for rapid diagnosis of diseases, detection
of biomarkers as well as for therapeutics design. Therapeutic effi cacy can be
assessed by monitoring biomechanics. These will be important contributions to per-
sonalized medicine.


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