Textbook of Personalized Medicine - Second Edition [2015]

(Ron) #1


Genetic Engineering of Tumor Cells

Many companies have effective vaccines for stimulating killer T lymphocytes. The
missing link is making good vaccines for helper T lymphocytes. That problem has
been solved by Antigen Express scientists, who developed means to suppress the
expression of a specifi c immunoregulatory protein (Ii). This protein can block anti-
gens from stimulating T helper cells. By inhibiting this protein, a whole range of
antigens from tumors can now be recognized by T helper cells, greatly boosting the
immune response to cancer.

Hybrid Cell Vaccination

The hybrid cell vaccination approach to cancer immune therapy aims at the induc-
tion of tumor-specifi c cytotoxic T cells and was developed for the following

  • To recruit and activate T cell help for the induction of tumor-specifi c cytotoxic
    T cells

  • To correct defects in co-stimulatory signaling.

  • To utilize a large number of unidentifi ed tumor-associated antigens

  • For individualized therapy that can be applied instantly without long
    Hybridoma technology involves selection of long-term lines on the basis of their
    resistance to anticancer drugs and according to specifi c functions desired. The
    fusion partners are of the same tissue origin and are controlled by similar genetic
    programs. The vaccines are irradiated prior to inoculation to ensure that the tumor
    does not grow and spread in the body.
    Clinical trials of hybrid cell vaccination have been performed in patients suffer-
    ing from malignant melanoma or renal cell carcinoma and cases of complete
    remission have been reported. The side effects seen in these trials were those of
    induced immune response. Hybrid cell vaccination is a feasible strategy for the
    treatment of cancer and is well suited for individualized therapy. Future trials will
    establish the criteria for selection of patients and the malignancies suitable for this

Personalized Peptide Cancer Vaccines

Following identifi cation of tumor associated antigens (TAA) in different tumor his-
totypes, many vaccination strategies have been investigated, including peptide-
based vaccines. Results of the fi rst decade of clinical experimentation, although
demonstrating the feasibility and the good toxicity profi le of this approach,

10 Personalized Therapy of Cancer
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