Textbook of Personalized Medicine - Second Edition [2015]

(Ron) #1

List of Figures

Fig. 1.1 Relation of personalized medicine to other technologies .............. 20
Fig. 1.2 Relation of systems pharmacology to personalized medicine ....... 27
Fig. 1.3 Integration of technologies for the development
of personalized medicine ............................................................... 30

Fig. 2.1 Role of sequencing in the development
of personalized medicine ............................................................... 41
Fig. 2.2 Role of biochip/microarray technology
in personalized medicine ................................................................ 45
Fig. 2.3 Application of biochips/microarrays in personalized therapy ....... 46
Fig. 2.4 Role of CYP450 genotyping in development
of personalized medicine ............................................................... 50
Fig. 2.5 Basic principle of a biosensor. The compound of interest
(black circles) in a mixture of substances specifi cally
interacts with the biological sensing part of the sensor.
The resulting biological signal is converted into a physical
signal (e.g., electric or optical) by a transducer.
Substances which are not capable of interacting
with the biological component (hollow circles)
will not produce any signal ............................................................ 52
Fig. 2.6 Role of SNPs in personalized medicine ......................................... 59
Fig. 2.7 The central role of spectrometry in proteomics ............................. 75

Fig. 3.1 Impact of biomarkers on personalized medicine ........................... 92

Fig. 4.1 Pharmacogenetics as a link between genotype and phenotype ...... 100
Fig. 4.2 Role of pharmacogenetic technologies in personalized
medicine ......................................................................................... 100

Fig. 5.1 Impact of new technologies at various stages
of the drug discovery process ........................................................ 152
Fig. 5.2 Steps in the application of pharmacogenomics
in clinical trials ............................................................................... 154

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