Textbook of Personalized Medicine - Second Edition [2015]

(Ron) #1

treatments are given to the right patients at the right time. Personalized medicine is
become a reality with the sequencing of the human genome, advances in medical
genetics and several technologies including medical diagnostics, single nucleotide
polymorphism (SNP) genotyping and proteomics.
Some consider the word “personalized” to be somewhat indicative of exclusivity
and prefer to use the term integrated healthcare to indicate the integration of diag-
nostics, screening, prevention, therapy and treatment monitoring as the future trend
in medicine. The problem with the term “integrated healthcare” is that it is already
being used to indicate the integration of classical medicine with alternative medi-
cine. Integration of diagnosis and treatment is implied in the development of per-
sonalized medicine and the author of this report prefers to use the term “personalized
medicine” for the system and to refer to the individual drugs as personalized medi-
cines. Systems medicine also implies integration of various disciplines. The term
“precision medicine” is used because diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic strate-
gies are precisely tailored to each patient’s requirements (Mirnezami et al. 2012 ).

History of Medical Concepts Relevant to Personalized Medicine

A general overview of the development of concepts in patient management will
provide a background for the development of personalized medicine and various
landmarks are shown in Table 1.2.
According to the Ayurveda, a human being is a model of the universe where the
basic matter and the dynamic forces (Dosha) of the nature determine health and
disease, and the medicinal value of any substance (plant and mineral). The Ayurvedic
practices (mainly diet, life style, and meditation) aim to maintain the Dosha equi-
librium (Chopra and Doiphode 2002 ). Despite a holistic approach aimed to cure
disease, therapy is customized to the individual’s constitution (Prakruti) − ancient
counterpart of genotype.
The traditional Chinese medicine with acupuncture and herbs takes individual
variations into consideration and this system is still practiced in new China (Jain
1973 ). Sasang typology, a Korean traditional medical system, explains the individ-
ual differences in behavioral patterns, physical characteristics and susceptibility to a
certain disease based on their biopsychological traits (Chae et al. 2004 ). It is a sort
of personalized medicine that includes guideline for safe and effective use of acu-
puncture and medical herbs, particularly those with signifi cant adverse events, such
as Ma-Huang (Ephedra Sinica) and Aconite. It is also to be noted that many of the
ancient systems of healthcare survive in the form of so-called “alternative therapies”
and most of the population of present day world still relies on these treatment. There
is a personal touch or individualization in many of these treatments for lack of any
standard or universal therapies. The healer has a feel for each individual patient and
the treatment is modifi ed according to the needs and personality of the patient.

History of Medical Concepts Relevant to Personalized Medicine

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