Textbook of Personalized Medicine - Second Edition [2015]

(Ron) #1


cells in culture has no effect in altering the growth characteristics of the cells. If
paclitaxel-loaded nanoparticles are applied to the cells, however, specifi c binding
elicits a substantial reduction in smooth muscle cell proliferation, indicating that
selective targeting may be a requirement for effective drug delivery for in this situ-
ation. Similar behavior has been demonstrated for doxorubicin containing particles.
Intravenous delivery of fumagillin (an antiangiogenic agent)-loaded nanoparticles
targeted to αvβ3-integrin epitopes on vasa vasorum in growing plaques results in
marked inhibition of plaque angiogenesis in cholesterol fed rabbits. The unique
mechanism of drug delivery for highly lipophilic agents such as paclitaxel con-
tained within emulsions depends on close apposition between the nanoparticle car-
rier and the targeted cell membrane and has been described as “contact facilitated
drug delivery.” In contrast to liposomal drug delivery (generally requiring endocy-
tosis), the mechanism of drug transport in this case involves lipid exchange or lipid
mixing between the emulsion vesicle and the targeted cell membrane, which
depends on the extent and frequency of contact between two lipidic surfaces. The
rate of lipid exchange and drug delivery can be greatly increased by the application
of clinically safe levels of ultrasound energy that increase the propensity for fusion
or enhanced contact between the nanoparticles and the targeted cell membrane.
The combination of targeted drug delivery and molecular imaging with MRI has
the potential to enable serial characterization of the molecular epitope expression
based on imaging readouts. Monitoring and confi rmation of therapeutic effi cacy of the
therapeutic agents at the targeted site would permit personalized medical regimens.

Project euHeart for Personalized Management of Heart Disease

In 2008, the European Union (EU) funded a research project called ‘euHeart’,
which is aimed at improving the diagnosis, therapy planning and treatment of car-
diovascular disease. It was completed in 2012 and the fi nal results were published
on web site: http://www.euheart.eu. The project combined 16 industrial, clinical and
academic partners, whose collective goal was the development of individualized,
computer-based, human heart models. Led by Philips Healthcare, euHeart aimed to
develop advanced computer models of the human heart that can be personalized to
patient-specifi c conditions using clinical data from various sources, such as CT and
MRI scans, measurements of blood fl ow and blood pressure in the coronary arteries
and ECGs. These computer models integrated the behavior of the heart and the aorta
at molecular, cellular, tissue and organ-level. They also incorporated clinical knowl-
edge about how cardiovascular disease disturbs the correct functioning of the heart
at these levels. Atrial modeling is currently in a transition from the sole use in basic
research to future clinical applications (Krueger et al. 2013 ).
euHeart signifi cantly advanced the state-of the-art in cardiac simulations. The
project demonstrated the predictive value and clinical potential of personalized car-
diac simulations for several clinically relevant settings. As a result, it may be possible
to develop simulation tools that physicians can use to predict the outcome of different

14 Personalized Management of Cardiovascular Disorders
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