Textbook of Personalized Medicine - Second Edition [2015]

(Ron) #1


Personalized medicine (cont.)
historical development of , 3–5
immune disorders ( see Immune disorders)
industrial drivers , 700
industry and academia , 700
integration of technologies , 30
life science industry, role of ( see Life
science industry)
limitations of , 652–653
medical profession, role of
AMA, CPT codes , 629
medical education , 629–630
off-label prescription , 630
metabolomics ( see Metabolomics)
molecular biology ( see Molecular biology)
molecular diagnostics ( see Molecular
neurological disorders ( see Neurological
non-pharmacological therapies ( see
Non-pharmacological therapies)
patients, role of , 630–632
pharmaceutical industry, role of ( see
Pharmaceutical industry)
pharmacogenetics ( see Pharmacogenetics)
pharmacogenomics ( see
pharmacoproteomics ( see Proteomics)
players of , 589–590
PMC, role of , 590–591
political and socio-economic drivers , 700
psychiatric disorders ( see Psychiatric
pulmonary disorders ( see Pulmonary
regulatory aspects of ( see Regulatory
aspects, personalized medicine)
Royal Society’s view of , 706
scientifi c drivers , 700
synthetic biology , 29–30
systems biology, role of ( see Systems
technological relationship , 20
translational science , 32
US government and agencies, role of
( see United States (US),
personalized medicine)
Personalized medicine coalition (PMC)
functions , 590–591
members of , 590, 591
Personalized Medicine Partnership for Cancer
(PMPC) , 646
Personalized Medicine Partnership of Florida
(PMP Florida) , 623

Personalized Medicine Research Project , 628
Personalized OMIC Lattice for Advanced
Research and Improving Stratifi cation
(POLARIS) Program , 19
Personalized oncology
Massachusetts General Hospital , 623–624
OHSU , 624
Personalized RNA Interference to Enhance the
Delivery of Individualized
Cytotoxic and Targeted
Therapeutics Consortium
(PREDICT Consortium) , 370
Pharmaceutical industry
clinical trials , 592–593
Bayesian approach , 593–594
frequentist approach , 593
individualizing risks and benefi ts in , 594
therapeutics and companion
diagnostics , 594–595
drug delivery , 595
drug discovery , 592
production and distribution of , 596
repositioning/repurposing of drugs , 595
Pharmacogenetics , 35
adverse drug reactions , 569, 688–689
chemotherapy , 116
fatal ADR , 115
genetically determined ADR , 117–118
genetic susceptibility , 143
in infants and young children , 115, 116
postmarketing surveillance , 143–144
in antiplatelet therapy , 121–123
of breast cancer , 301
cancer chemotherapy
CYP 1A2 , 266
dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase ,
thiopurine methyltransferase , 267
UGT1A1, irinotecan therapy , 268–269
in carbamazepine therapy , 121–123
clinical implications
CYP450 genotyping , 134
in drug labels , 134–140
genotype-based drug dose adjustment ,
134, 140
clinical pharmacology
CYP2C19 gene , 141
HLA alleles, lumiracoxib-related liver
injury , 141–142
sulfasalazine , 141
thiopurine toxicity , 142
tranilast-induced hyperbilirubinemia , 143
in clinical trials , 132–133
clozapine-induced agranulocytosis , 119

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