Textbook of Personalized Medicine - Second Edition [2015]

(Ron) #1


Phosphatidilinositol 3-kinase/protein kinase B
(PI3K-AKT) pathway , 236
Phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase (PI3K) pathway ,
Physical exercise
aerobic exercise , 584–585
muscle hypertrophy and strength , 585
Plasmodium falciparum , 406, 407
Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha
(PDGFRA) , 226
Platinum-based chemotherapy (PBC) , 207,
352, 354
Platinum-resistant ovarian cancer (PROC) ,
P4 Medicine Institute (P4Mi) , 622
Point-of-care (POC) diagnosis , 385
advances in , 86
advantages of , 85
applications of , 84–85
disadvantages of , 85–86
Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP)
inhibitors , 293, 320
Positron emission tomography (PET) , 598–599
cancer therapy
DCK activity , 231
FDG-PET/CT , 215–216
TKIs , 231
HBO therapy , 578–579
Precision medicine , 3
Predictive medicine , 184, 671–672, 698
Pregabalin , 595
Pregnancy associated plasma protein-A
(PAPP-A) , 535
Preoperative endocrine prognostic index (PEPI
score) , 304–305
Preventive medicine , 570–571, 705
Procarbazine, lomustine, and vincristine
(PCV) , 288
Process analytical technology (PAT) , 596
Program for the Assessment of Clinical Cancer
Tests (PACCT) , 314
Prolaris test , 363
Promyelocytic leukemia (PML) , 265, 280
Prophage , 243–244
Prostate cancer (PrCa)
cancer recurrence and guiding treatment ,
gene expression studies , 363
guiding therapy, diagnostics for , 361–362
HOXB13 gene , 360–361
metastases, detection of , 362
peptide vaccine , 364
Prolaris test , 363
Prostate circulating tumor cells (PCTCs) , 362

Prostate Px , 361
Prostate specifi c antigen (PSA) , 209, 362–363
Protease inhibitor (PI) therapy , 393, 398
Protein biochips
developments in , 55
for personalized medicine , 55–56
ProteinChip , 53–54
proteomic pattern analysis , 54–55
ProteinChip , 53–54
Proteomic pattern analysis , 54–55
brain cancer , 285
breast cancer management , 301–302
cancer tissue , 261–262
defi nition , 19
diagnosis, impact on , 160
disease, pathophysiology of , 160–161
drug discovery and development
dynamic proteomics , 164
RPMA , 164
target identifi cation and validation ,
individualized therapy , 160
industrial sector , 160
metabolic biomarkers, lung cancer ,
molecular diagnostics , 160
2DGE , 74
2D PAGE and mass spectrometry , 75
vs. genomic approaches , 75–76
mass spectrometry (MS) , 74–75
messenger RNA (mRNA) level , 73
multifactorial diseases,
characterization of , 159
nutrition , 583
personalized medicine, advantages , 168
protein chip-based tests , 160
protein misfolding , 161–163
single cell phosphoproteomic
techniques , 161
stroke , 437
systems biology, role in , 160
toxicoproteomics , 166–167
PSA. See Prostate specifi c antigen (PSA)
Psoriasis , 536–537
Psychiatric disorders
genetic polymorphism and
management, alcholism , 474–475
pharmacogenetics, drug addiction ,
smoking cessation , 475–476
ADHD , 472–473
antidepressant therapy

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