Textbook of Personalized Medicine - Second Edition [2015]

(Ron) #1

biomarker , 468
EEG , 468–469
enzymes , 468
protein sFRP3, role of , 471–472
SSRI treatment , 469–471
treatment resistant depression , 472
vilazodone , 472
antipsychotic therapy , 465–467
CNV , 461
future prospects , 476
calcium channel gene , 463
dopamine receptor genes , 463–464
GeneSight tests , 464
MTHFR , 464
serotonin genes , 462–463
SNPs , 461
Public Population Project in Genomics
(P3G) , 634
Pulmonary disorders
asthma ( see Asthma)
biomarkers , 512
community-acquired pneumonia , 513–515
infl ammation and lung function , 513
oxidative stress , 513
COPD ( see Chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD))
genetic ancestory, role of , 511
Pyrosequencing , 67, 69, 298, 383–384

Quadruple marker prenatal screening test , 535
Qualifying Therapeutic Discovery Project
(QTDP) , 684
Quantum dot (QD) , 186, 213
Quebec Center of Excellence in Personalized
Medicine , 646–647
Quebec Clinical Research Organization in
Cancer (Q-CROC) , 370

RA. See Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
Race , 660–663
Radiation therapy , 253–254
non-Hodgkin lymphoma , 255
radiation sensitivity biomarkers , 255
Radiographic progression (RP) , 556
Real time qualitative PCR (real time-qPCR)
assays , 298–299
Receptor interacting protein 1 (RIP1) , 282
Receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) inhibitor , 277

Regulatory aspects, personalized medicine
DTC genetic tests , 676–680
FDA ( see Food and drug administration
RNA controls, CLSI guidelines for , 676
Renal disease , 573
Representational oligonucleotide microarray
analysis (ROMA) , 38, 532–533
Respiratory papillomatosis , 354
Restriction fragment length polymorphisms
(RFLPs) , 38–39, 62, 69
Retinoblastoma (RB) tumor , 303
Reverse Engineering and Forward Simulation
(REFS™) , 279, 636–637
Reverse-phase protein microarray (RPMA) ,
164, 277
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) , 94
ACPAs , 558
biomarkers for , 556
COX-2 inhibitors , 557
DIASTAT™ anti-cyclic citrullinated
peptides , 557
DMARD , 555
environmental factors , 554
genetics and epigenetic aspects of , 554–555
infl iximab therapy , 557–558
RNA Disruption Assay™ (RDA™) , 227
RNA interference (RNAi) , 195–196, 580
Rofecoxib , 557, 594

SCA. See Sickle cell anemia (SCA)
Scripps Translational Science Institute
(STSI) , 698
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) ,
105–106, 469–471, 608–609
SensiTrop test , 395
Sepsis , 386
SeqHepB program , 402
Serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) , 78,
80–81, 479
Sickle cell anemia (SCA) , 543–544
Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics (SHD) , 280, 397
Signature Genetics™ , 614–615, 628
Sildenafi l (Viagra) , 595
Single copy FISH (scFISH) probes , 531–532
Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) , 533
BeadArray technology , 63–64
electrochemical DNA detection , 64–65
LabMap technology , 65
locked nucleic acids , 66
MassARRAY system , 62–63


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