Textbook of Personalized Medicine - Second Edition [2015]

(Ron) #1


severity of the disease and to identify the genes that can be targeted for therapy. This
is how microarrays can be used to develop personalized medical treatments.
Figure 2.3 shows development of biochips for pharmacogenomics and SNP geno-
typing to personalize medicine.

Biochip construction with
ssDNA microarray
Sample preparation, fluorescent
labelling of denatured ssDNA and
incubation on the biochip

Reading and analysis of pattern
of hybridization by special
devices to reveal DNA sequence

Planning of individualized
therapy for the patient

Hybridization of labelled ssDNA
to dsDNA on the biochip at loci
of complementary sequences

Correlation of the patient's gene
polymorphism to population with
known treatment outcome

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Fig. 2.3 Application of biochips/microarrays in personalized therapy

Rapid DNA sequencing
Drug discovery and development
High-throughput drug screening
Design and stratifi cation of clinical trials
Drug safety: applications in pharmacogenetics
Clinical drug safety
Molecular diagnostics
Genetic screening
Detection of mutations
Inherited disorders
Identifi cation of pathogens and resistance in infections
Molecular oncology
Cancer prognosis
Cancer diagnosis
Gene identifi cation
Genetic mapping
Gene expression profi ling
Detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)
For storage of the patient’s genomic information
Integration of diagnosis and therapeutics
© Jain PharmaBiotech

Table 2.2 Applications of
biochip technology relevant
to personalized medicine

2 Molecular Diagnostics in Personalized Medicine
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